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The Grossest Mutant Power in the Marvel Universe

The Grossest Mutant Power in the Marvel Universe

Marvel Comics has introduced us to a vast array of mutant powers, from the awe-inspiring to the downright bizarre.

Among these, the ability that stands out as particularly gross is Axel Cluney’s—better known as Zeitgeist—acidic vomit.

Let’s find out together the reason why this power earns the top spot for the grossest mutant ability and how it shaped Zeitgeist’s tragic and tumultuous superhero career.

Top 10 Worst Ways to Discover Your Mutant Ability, Top 1:

Imagine being a teenager and discovering your mutant powers for the first time.

Now, imagine that discovery involves accidentally disfiguring someone because you vomited on their face.

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That’s exactly what happened to Axel Cluney during a not-so-romantic first encounter with alcohol on a beach.

His first use of mutant powers involved spewing acidic vomit that severely burned a girl’s face, marking a traumatic start to his mutant life.

A Leader with a Stomach of Steel

Despite the horrific nature of his powers, Axel didn’t shrink away from the limelight.

He embraced his uniqueness and, with a mix of reluctance and necessity, rose to become the leader of the celebrity mutant group, X-Force (later is X-Statix).

Wearing a protective mouthpiece to control his dangerous ability, Zeitgeist used his powers to dissolve almost any substance; despite being gross, the acidic vomit turned into a formidable weapon.

Yet, when Zeitgeist bursts onto the scene in ‘Deadpool 2,’ his screen time is brief and, true to his powers, quite unsettling.

CAUTION: The second video features Zeitgeist’s gruesome ability in action. It might be best to avoid watching during mealtime.

X-Force Death Scene - Deadpool 2 (2018) Movie Clip
Zeitgeist em Deadpool 2 | Poderes HD (Bill Skarsgård)

Resurrection and Reformation

Zeitgeist’s life was a series of highs and extreme lows, culminating in a mission where he met his demise.

An attack helicopter struck him, and his own acidic vomit, triggered by the injury, consumed him from the inside out.

His last moments were filled with the realization of the name of the girl he had accidentally harmed years ago—Felicity.

In true comic book fashion, death wasn’t the end for Axel Cluney.

After a period in a coma and undergoing bionic surgery, Zeitgeist returned, determined to form an army, the X-Cellent, to fight in a perceived culture war.

His resurrection allowed him to revisit and perhaps redeem his past, continuing to use his grotesque power in the battle for what he saw as justice.

Last Words

Zeitgeist’s power of acidic vomit might be gross and unsettling, but it’s a vivid reminder of the creative—and sometimes shocking—extent of mutant abilities Marvel has explored.

His story is a blend of horror and eventual redemption, which is what makes it so compelling.

So, what do you think about the grossest mutant power that ever appears in Marvel?

Jump right into the comment section and let us know!

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