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Insane Facts About Marvel’s Galactus

Insane Facts About Marvel’s Galactus

In the cosmic expanse of the Marvel Universe, few names echo with as much awe and dread as Galactus.

This isn’t your garden-variety supervillain; this is the Devourer of Worlds we’re talking about.

Let’s dive into some insane facts about this cosmic entity that even the most hardcore Marvel fans might find jaw-dropping.

1. The Creature Appears Before the Dawn of the Marvel Universe

Galactus wasn’t always the cosmic giant we know.

He was once Galen of Taa, a mere mortal from a planet that predated the Big Bang of the Marvel Universe.

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As his universe faced destruction, Galen fused with the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos, giving birth to the Galactus we now know in the rebirth of the Seventh Cosmos.

Think of him as a cosmic phoenix, rising from the ashes of the old universe to become a force of nature in the new one.

2. The Devourer of Worlds

Galactus, also known as the Devourer of Worlds, holds a responsibility as immense as his appetite.

In his quest to sustain his own life force, he consumes entire planets, a task that inevitably casts him as a villain in the eyes of those who stand to lose their homes to his hunger.

Initially, Galactus aimed to snack on planets without intelligent life.

However, hunger is a cruel master, and soon, he later had to expand his menu to include inhabited worlds.

That’s when he started recruiting heralds, like our shiny friend the Silver Surfer, to help him in his interstellar hunt for sustenance.

And yes you don’t read it wrong, Silver Surfer was one of Galatus’s heralds at first.

3. The Balancer of Cosmic Equations

Some think of Galactus as a villain, but he’s more of a universal force, maintaining the balance between entities like Eternity and Infinity.

Without his planetary diet, not only does he starve, but the universe could tip into chaos.

It’s like having a cosmic gardener who, instead of pruning hedges, munches on planets to keep the cosmic balance in check.

Galactus’s role in the cosmic hierarchy is so crucial that his absence once led to the emergence of Abraxas, a terrifying entity embodying destruction itself.

This nightmarish force once broke free from his cosmic thanks to Galactus’s death, proceeding to terrorize countless realities and slay various versions of Galactus.

Abraxas’s path of devastation reached a peak when he rendered Uatu the Watcher comatose and nearly claimed the omnipotent Ultimate Nullifier.

It was the heroic efforts of the Fantastic Four and the combined cosmic powers of Franklin and Valeria Richards that restored Galactus to existence, ensuring the continued balance of Eternity and averting universal catastrophe.

Galactus’s revival by the Richards children was more than a resurrection; it was the reinstatement of a vital force in the cosmic equation, emphasizing his indispensable role in maintaining universal harmony.

4. An Insanely Powerful Being

Galactus’ encounters with cosmic powerhouses truly highlight his formidable nature.

For instance, he clashed with the awe-inspiring Phoenix Force and emerged victorious against Mephisto in the chilling domain of the underworld.

Imagine the sheer force required to obliterate not one, but three entire solar systems with a lone energy burst, which he accomplished even when weakened in a state far from his peak during the Annihilation Wave.

And let’s not forget his astonishing feat of assimilating Dormammu, a cosmic force to be reckoned with, proving once again that Galactus plays in a league of his own.

5. The Ultimate Weapon in the Cosmic Arsenal

Galactus doesn’t just destroy with his hands; he’s got the Ultimate Nullifier, a device that can wipe out entire realities from existence.

Talk about overpowered! This weapon’s so scary that Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic, once used it to erase a part of Galactus from existence.

Therefore, as the Nullifier has such immeasurable power, it’s one of the rare things that can cause fear to Galactus himself.

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