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The Lifestyle of the Mandalorian (Eat, Sleep, Kiss, & Die)

The Mandalorian is a fascinating character that usually is concealed by his helmet and armor. Although Din Djarin was not born on the planet Mandalore, he follows the Code of the Mandalorians–most of the time. Living by this code means he rarely takes off his helmet and armor. Keeping these items on all the time …

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Where Was The Mandalorian Seasons 1, 2, And 3 Filmed?

Following The Rise of Skywalker, Disney looked to retain fan interest in Star Wars. This prompted a spin-off set five years following Return of the Jedi – a television show entitled The Mandalorian. The show features a plethora of desert-like and mountainous landscapes and rock formations. Given the breathtaking scenery in the show, you may …

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Who Knew About Anakin & Padme’s Relationship in Star Wars?

Unsurprisingly, even the most experienced Jedi masters didn’t know about the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. When I first watched the movies as a kid, I was under the impression that all of them knew. However, this isn’t exactly true. The Jedi Council did not approve of their relationship, because it went against …

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How Long Are Clones Meant to Live in Star Wars?

The clone troopers were an integral part of Star Wars–so much so that an entire war was named after them. But did you know that the clone troopers were much younger than they looked? In fact, they were even younger than Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s teenage padawan. With this in mind, you may be wondering: …

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Blaster Bolts in Star Wars: Different Colors Explained

Blasters are some of the most common weapons used throughout Star Wars. These weapons come in many forms such as cannons, rifles, and pistols, and they work by igniting gasses in the magazine, creating powerful beams of energy that can damage and kill targets. The fire produced by these guns, known as blaster bolts, comes …

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