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Young Thanos Erases Himself From The Timeline

Young Thanos Erases Himself From The Timeline

In the Marvel Universe, Thanos is a figure synonymous with power and a relentless pursuit of balancing the universe by wiping out half of all life.

However, within the intricate tapestry of his stories, there emerges a tale that veers into the unexpected: a journey of introspection, choice, and the possibility of change.

This narrative arc, prominently featured in the “King Thanos” storyline, culminates in a moment where the younger version of Thanos makes a groundbreaking decision to erase his future self, and consequently, his own potential future, from existence.

The Clash Between Young Thanos and King Thanos

When Thanos faces Thanos, it’s more than a battle of strength; it’s a confrontation between what is and what could be.

The younger Thanos, known for his ruthlessness and ambition, is brought forward in time by his older self, King Thanos.

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King Thanos

This future version of Thanos has achieved his goal of universal dominance but at the cost of everything else, leading to a universe where almost no life remains.

The initial meetings between these two versions of the same person are marked by a palpable tension, with the younger Thanos quickly becoming critical of his future self’s achievements and intentions.

The Moment of Revelation

Young Thanos vs King Thanos

The turning point for the younger Thanos comes with the revelation of King Thanos’ true motive: a desire to die by the hand of his younger self to finally be with his love, Death.

This realization shocks the younger Thanos, not because of the request for death itself, but because of the desperation and weakness it reveals in his future self.

For a being who has always represented the ultimate in strength and resolve, the sight of his future self begging for death is both pitiful and repugnant. 

This moment of clarity leads the younger Thanos to a decision that would redefine his destiny.

Changing the Course of Destiny

Thanos is dissolving and fading

Faced with the path his life could take, the younger Thanos chooses a different road.

By deciding not to kill King Thanos in a fight, the younger Thanos chooses an alternate path. 

Instead, he returns to his own time using the Time Stone and alters his future, setting in motion the erasure of King Thanos and his desolate timeline.

Thanos vs King Thanos - Finale

This act is monumental, signifying not just the rejection of a future where he achieves his goals at the expense of everything else, but also the assertion of free will over a seemingly unchangeable destiny.

The younger Thanos’ choice underscores a profound theme within the Marvel Universe: the power of individuals to change, evolve, and choose paths divergent from those seemingly preordained for them.

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