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Why “the Hell” Did Dr. Strange Give the Time Stone to Thanos?

Why “the Hell” Did Dr. Strange Give the Time Stone to Thanos?

In the heart-pounding universe of Marvel’s Avengers, every action, every decision carries weight—especially when it comes from Doctor Strange, the master of the mystic arts and the keeper of the Time Stone.

At a pivotal moment in “Avengers: Infinity War,” Strange makes a move that leaves everyone asking the same burning question: Why would he hand over one of the universe’s most powerful artifacts – the Time Stone to Thanos, the very villain they’re all fighting against?

Let’s unravel the mystery behind this game-changing decision and how it’s all part of a bigger picture that goes beyond just beating the bad guy.

#1: Iron Man Is the Key Factor to Win the Endgame

So, we’re all scratching our heads, right?

There’s Doctor Strange, the guy who’s all about protecting reality, and he just hands over the Time Stone to Thanos.

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It feels like a total “What the hell are you doing?” moment.

Strange gives Thanos the Time Stone HD | Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Here’s the scoop: Strange did the one thing that seemed totally out there because he had to.

He sifted through 14,000,605 futures (talk about binge-watching!), and guess what?

Only one of those saw the Avengers come out on top, and in that single winning lottery ticket of a future, Tony Stark was front and center.

Avengers: Endgame (2019) - "And I.. Am... Iron Man" | Movie Clip HD

Strange knew Thanos getting his gauntlet-crazy hands on the Time Stone was pretty much a done deal in every future he foresaw.

So, he made a call—give up the stone, keep Tony in the game, and set up the endgame. Saving Tony was like hitting the save button on the whole universe.

It’s like that one play in a football game that seems to throw the game, but actually, it’s setting up for a wild comeback in the fourth quarter.

That’s some serious long-game strategy, and it’s all about having the right player on the field at the right time.

#2: The Snap Is Inevitable to Save the Earth

You know Doctor Strange and his whole deal with seeing the future?

Well, what if I told you he saw that the snap – yeah, that big, bad snap – was actually part of a bigger plan to save our home planet?

Doctor Strange probably saw that the snap wasn’t just a universe-shaking event; it was a necessary step.

It set up the stage for the Eternals to save our planet from something called the Emergence.

It’s well-explained in a brief conversation between Ikaris & Ajak in the final trailer for “Eternals,” you know what I’m talking about.

Marvel Studios’ Eternals | Final Trailer

The chaos from Thanos wiping out half the universe, and then Iron Man’s heroic snap to bring everyone back, bought the Eternals the time they needed to stop a Celestial from bursting out of Earth.

So, Strange handing over the Time Stone? That wasn’t just about beating Thanos. It was a chess move for Earth’s survival against the Emergence. It’s all about the long game.

There’s more to this whole snap decision, and it’s unpacked in the article “Thanos Tried to SAVE Us, and Eternals PROVED IT!” You should definitely check it out for the nitty-gritty of Thanos’ perspective.

Bonus: The Ancient One’s Immediate Decision to Give Bruce Banner the Time Stone

When Bruce Banner hops back in time, he has this intense convo with the Ancient One.

She’s all about protecting her own timeline and refuses to give Bruce the Time Stone, but when Bruce drops the “But why the hell did Strange give Thanos the stone?” question and later “Maybe he made a mistake,” it really hits her.

At that moment, the Ancient One hit us with the “Or I did” line, flipping the script on who’s making the real mistakes.

Her mistake might be not to give Bruce the Time Stone in many futures that Strange has foreseen and caused big losses.

That moment she decides to hand over the stone to Bruce, it’s all about trust in Doctor Strange.

She knows Strange is meant to be the best Sorcerer, so if he thought the snap was part of the plan and the Time Stone must be handled to Thanos, who were we to question it?

Hulk Meets Ancient One ►Avengers Endgame 2019 Movie CLIP HD

Last Words

As we piece together the intricate puzzle, it becomes clear that his decision to give Thanos the Time Stone was far from a surrender.

It was a calculated step towards a larger victory, one that stretched across time and involved more than just the players on the battlefield.

By ensuring Tony Stark’s survival and setting the stage for the Eternals to save Earth, Strange wasn’t just playing hero; he was playing a cosmic-level game of chess where every move was crucial.

So next time you watch the snap happen, remember: this wasn’t just a defeat. It was a setup for the grandest comeback in cinematic history.

Come on in and dive into the discussions, share your thoughts, and let’s appreciate the depth of strategy embedded in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

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