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Why Did Ned Leeds Open the Portal So Easily in No Way Home?

Why Did Ned Leeds Open the Portal So Easily in No Way Home?

In the spellbinding universe of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), magic weaves its mysteries around both believers and skeptics alike.

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” gifted us with a plethora of magical moments, but one particular instance left fans both puzzled and intrigued:

Ned Leeds effortlessly opened a portal, a feat that even Doctor Strange and the multiverse-hopping America Chavez found challenging at first.

Belief Fuels Magic

At the heart of this bewitching puzzle lies a simple yet profound principle of the MCU’s magic: belief is power.

While characters like Doctor Strange and America Chavez come equipped with incredible skills and powers, their initial skepticism towards magic acts as a barrier to their full potential.

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Doctor Strange, with his staunch reliance on science, and America Chavez, unaware of the true nature of her own powers, represent the struggle between belief and skepticism.

Doctor Strange’s journey is particularly telling. Initially, he viewed magic as nothing more than a trick, an extension of the scientific knowledge he so firmly believed in.

It wasn’t until he was trapped by the Ancient One and forced to confront the reality of magic to save his own life that he began to truly believe, unlocking his potential as a sorcerer.

How Doctor Strange Makes a Space Portal For The First Time!

America Chavez’s journey mirrors this in some ways. In “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”, possessing the power to navigate the multiverse, she nonetheless finds herself confounded by the mechanics of magic.

Her belief in her powers as unique, rather than magical, hinders her from harnessing magic’s full breadth, exemplifying how belief shapes reality in the MCU.

Ned Leeds: The Unlikely Sorcerer

Enter Ned Leeds, Peter Parker’s loyal friend, who stands in stark contrast to the seasoned veterans of magic.

Ned’s unshakeable belief in magic, sorcerers, and the unseen forces of the MCU renders him capable of feats that bewilder even the most powerful characters.

His faith, untainted by skepticism, allows him to easily open portals, a task that demands not only skill but a deep-rooted belief in the possibility of the impossible.

Ned Opens the Portal to Two Peters

Ned Leeds’s magical feat underscores a recurring theme in the MCU: the transformative power of belief.

In a universe where gods walk among men and the impossible becomes possible, the true barrier to power is not lack of ability but lack of faith.

Ned’s success serves as a reminder that in the realm of magic, belief is not just a feeling but a force that shapes reality.

Wrapping Up

As fans and followers of the MCU, Ned’s journey offers us a playful yet profound lesson: the power of belief can unlock doors (or in this case, portals) we never thought possible.

Whether you’re a sorcerer in training or merely a bystander in the vast universe of Marvel, remember, belief is your greatest weapon.

So, the next time you find yourself facing the impossible, ask yourself: What would Ned do?

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