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Why Did Mjolnir Join For Jane Not For Thor in the MCU?

Why Did Mjolnir Join For Jane Not For Thor in the MCU?

Thor is going to hate me for this, but truly: Mjolnir is not only for him. 

Of course, we all remember the iconic scene in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ where Captain America picks it up. But what if the hammer chooses someone else instead? 

That’s exactly what happened in this scene below:

Thor Attempts to Call His Hammer Back Scene (1st) | Mjolnir's epic comeback |

We’re going to break it down. But first: How does Mjolnir differentiate its wielder?

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Does Mjolnir Have Its Own Mind?

Mjolnir, the legendary hammer of Thor, is indeed much more than just a formidable weapon; it is imbued with magical properties that hint at a form of sentience. 

Forged by the Dwarves of Nidavellir from the rare metal Uru, in the fiery heart of a dying star, its creation was an event of cosmic significance.

The hammer’s most famous feature is the enchantment placed upon it by Odin, the All-Father of the Asgardians. This enchantment allows only those deemed “worthy” to wield Mjolnir. 

Thor vs Odin - Odin Takes Thor's Power (Scene) Movie CLIP HD

This criterion indicates that Mjolnir can assess the character and intentions of those who attempt to lift it, suggesting that Mjolnir has its own consciousness.

Mjolnir’s apparent consciousness is further evidenced by the God Tempest, a cosmic storm that Odin trapped within the Uru metal. 

An indicator of this storm’s energy can be observed in the MCU as the glowing symbol on Mjolnir when Odin casts the spell onto the hammer.

This storm’s fierce energy contributes to Mjolnir’s sentient abilities, allowing it not only to choose its wielder but also, in extraordinary circumstances, to take independent action. 

This was most notably seen when Jane Foster wielded Mjolnir; it allowed her to assume the powers of Thor and, at times, acted on its own accord.

But how did Mjolnir recognize Jane Foster? Similar to what Odin had previously done, Thor cast a spell on Mjolnir. But how does this spell work?

How Thor Unintentionally Cast The Spell on Mjolnir

In a poignant moment, Thor quietly speaks to Mjolnir, saying, “I need you to promise me you’ll always protect her. I love you too, buddy.” 

Thor And Jane Break Up Story | Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)


As he walks away, a faint glow emanates from the hammer, reminiscent of Odin’s magic. This glow mirrors the exact halo seen when Odin originally cast the spell of worthiness on Mjolnir.

This raises the question: Did Thor possess the power to cast such a spell like Odin? 

The scene suggests that the key lies not in a “magic spell” but rather in Thor’s sincere and heartfelt words to Mjolnir. 

While Thor genuinely expresses his feelings, he is unaware that his words would function like a spell, activating when Jane Foster takes up Mjolnir as Lady Thor. 

This unexpected effect underscores the deep connection between Thor, Mjolnir, and the eventual rise of Lady Thor.

So Thor Is No Longer Mjolnir’s Owner?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), while Mjolnir has been wielded by several characters, it never “serves” two owners simultaneously. 

A prime example is the Battle of Earth scene where Captain America and Thor interchangeably use Stormbreaker and Mjolnir, both deemed “worthy.”

But, as we saw in “Thor: Love and Thunder,” things seemed to be odd. When Thor attempts to reclaim Mjolnir, it unexpectedly pulls away because Jane Foster is using it at that time. 

Thor Attempts to Call His Hammer Back Scene (1st) | Mjolnir's epic comeback |

This brings up the question: Why didn’t Mjolnir reshape itself for Thor when he needed it most?

The answer lies in the hammer’s memory of the spell Thor cast to protect Jane, sensing her imminent danger and reshaping to defend her.

Consequently, Mjolnir doesn’t respond to Thor’s call as it commits all its power to its current user, in this case, Jane, who needs its strength to fight her severe illness.

For those unaware: Jane Foster is battling cancer, and while Mjolnir gives her an appearance of vitality, it also subtly diminishes her lifespan. 

In essence, though Mjolnir may be broken, the spell cast to protect Jane acts as the hammer’s guiding thought, now dedicated to her welfare.

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