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Why Could Doctor Strange Powerfully Take on Thanos Despite Easily Losing to Ebony Maw?

Why Could Doctor Strange Powerfully Take on Thanos Despite Easily Losing to Ebony Maw?

Doctor Strange’s encounters with Thanos and Ebony Maw in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) left many fans confused.

How could Doctor Strange, a master of the mystic arts, struggle against Ebony Maw and yet nearly defeat Thanos?

The answer lies in the unique circumstances and strategic preparations that define each encounter.

The Encounter with Ebony Maw Is A Surprising Defeat

In Avengers: Infinity War, Doctor Strange’s encounter with Ebony Maw is a quick and decisive defeat.

Maw, a loyal servant of Thanos and a master telekinetic, subdues Strange with ease.

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This scene shocked many fans, as they expected the Sorcerer Supreme to put up a much stronger fight.

Dr Strange vs Ebony Maw | Full Fight Scenes | Doctor strange HD

Ebony Maw’s victory over Doctor Strange can be attributed to several factors:

  • Element of Surprise: Ebony Maw’s sudden attack catches Doctor Strange off guard. In combat, the element of surprise can be a decisive factor, even against powerful opponents.
  • Specialized Abilities: Maw’s telekinetic powers are uniquely suited to restrain and incapacitate, giving him a significant advantage over Strange in this particular scenario.
  • Environmental Constraints: The battle takes place in New York City, a densely populated area where Strange must be cautious to avoid collateral damage. This constraint limits his ability to unleash his full power.

The Battle with Thanos Has More Preparation and Experience

In stark contrast, Doctor Strange’s confrontation with Thanos on Titan showcases his full potential.

Strange holds his own against the Mad Titan, displaying a mastery of magic that impresses even Thanos. So, what changed between these two encounters?

Preparation and Experience

Before facing Thanos, Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to view over 14 million possible future outcomes.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - "14,000,605" | Movie Clip HD

This foresight provides him with invaluable experience and knowledge, allowing him to anticipate Thanos’ moves and prepare accordingly.

This preparation is key to his improved performance.

  • Strategic Planning: Knowing the possible outcomes, Strange can devise and implement strategies specifically tailored to counter Thanos. This planning gives him a significant edge.
  • Battle Experience: By witnessing countless futures, Strange gains a form of experience that enhances his combat abilities. This simulated experience makes him a more formidable opponent.

Full Use of Magical Abilities

On Titan, Strange is free to use his full array of mystical powers without the constraints he faced in New York. This setting allows him to fully showcase his capabilities as the Sorcerer Supreme.

  • Offensive and Defensive Magic: Strange employs a variety of spells, from offensive attacks to defensive shields, showcasing his versatility and power.
  • Astral Projection and Multiplication: Techniques such as astral projection and creating multiple copies of himself confuse and overwhelm Thanos, highlighting Strange’s tactical ingenuity.
Doctor Strange Vs Thanos - Fight Scene - Avengers Infinity War (2018) Movie CLIP 4K

Team Collaboration

The battle against Thanos is not a solo effort. Doctor Strange fights alongside Iron Man, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis.

This team dynamic allows Strange to focus on his magical assaults while his allies provide physical distractions and support.

Last Words – Context Matters

Doctor Strange’s varying performances against Ebony Maw and Thanos illustrate the importance of context in the MCU.

His initial defeat by Ebony Maw highlights the impact of surprise and specialized abilities.

In contrast, his near-victory over Thanos underscores the power of preparation, experience, and strategic use of his mystical abilities.

What are your thoughts on the two fights? Do you agree with the above arguments? Let us know in the comment section below!

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