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Why Can’t Thor Handle a Shock Collar Although He Is the God of Thunder?

Why Can’t Thor Handle a Shock Collar Although He Is the God of Thunder?

Thor, the God of Thunder, is a towering figure in the MCU, known for his strength and ability to control thunder.

Surprisingly, in “Thor: Ragnarok,” we see Thor defeated by a shock collar known as the Obedience Disk.

This disk is no ordinary shock collar; it has the power to bring even the mightiest god to his knees.

In this article, we will explore the main reasons shown in the movie, along with two other theories that might explain why this powerful god couldn’t handle a shock collar.

Unpacking the Obedience Disk

All scenes where God of Thunder has been shocked - Thor Ragnarok
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The Obedience Disk is no ordinary shock collar.

Created by the Grandmaster to control his slaves and gladiators, it ensures their obedience in his cosmic games.

Unlike a simple electric shock, which Thor would easily shake off, this device injects chemical reagents that cause a reaction to neurotoxins. 

These neurotoxins are capable of incapacitating even someone as powerful as an Asgardian god.

The Grandmaster uses this advanced device to make sure everyone follows his rules during the deadly games he organizes.

That is the most accurate answer to why the Obedience Disk paralyzed Thor so easily.

Now, let’s turn to two possible hypotheses for this question below.

Two Other Possible Hypothesis

1. Thor’s Mental Vulnerability Outweighs His Physical Strength

Thor is paralyzed by a shock collar

Thor might seem invincible, but his mind can be just as vulnerable as any human’s.

The Obedience Disk might do more than just physically hurt him; it could play tricks on his mind.

Thor has faced many fears and challenges, like failing his people or being locked away.

In “Avengers: Endgame,” we see Thor struggling with his confidence and feeling down, which shows that his physical strength doesn’t protect him from feeling scared or worried.

Additionally, his past defeat by Hela left deep scars, not just physically but emotionally, showcasing his psychological struggles and adding another layer to his vulnerability.

The Obedience Disk could exacerbate these feelings, making it easier to control him.

2. Thor’s Mastery of Electricity Was Not Fully Realized Before Odin’s Death

Before the events of “Thor: Ragnarok,” Thor used his hammer, Mjolnir, to control lightning.

He wasn’t used to having electricity pass directly through his body.

So, when he was first shocked by the Obedience Disk, which injected electricity directly into his body, he was unable to handle it.

It wasn’t until his father, Odin, reminded him of his true powers that he realized he could generate lightning on his own.

Thor: Ragnarok | Thor vs. Hulk Fight Scene

After Odin’s death and Thor’s ascension to Allfather, he received a huge boost in power.

This new strength allowed him to handle electricity in a new way, proving he could overcome obstacles not just physically but also by understanding his abilities better.

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