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Who Is the Flash of the MCU?

Who Is the Flash of the MCU?

Comic books are filled with heroes and villains who have the power of incredible speed.

In the world of DC Universe, the Flash stands out as the most famous speedster, able to move faster than the eye can see.

When we turn our attention to the Marvel Universe, the question arises: who could be considered the Marvel equivalent of the Flash?

The answer might not be as straightforward as one might think, but one character, the Runner, embodies the essence of speed in the Marvel Universe.

Origins of the Runner

The Runner (Explained in a Minute) | COMIC BOOK UNIVERSITY
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The Runner is one of the ancient beings known as the Elders of the Universe.

These beings are among the oldest creatures in existence, having lived for billions of years.

The Runner’s power comes from the Power Primordial, leftover energy from the Big Bang.

This cosmic energy fuels the Runner’s incredible speed and eternal life.

the Runner - the fastest being in the Marvel Universe

Unlike other speedsters who might have gained their powers through accidents or experiments, such as the Flash, who acquired his super-speed during a laboratory mishap involving a lightning strike and chemicals, the Runner’s abilities are as natural to him as breathing is to us.

His love for speed and movement has driven him to explore every corner of the universe, experiencing everything it has to offer with boundless joy.

The Runner’s Powers Explained

How Strong is The Runner - Marvel Comics Elder of The Universe

The Runner’s speed is unmatched.

He can travel across galaxies in the blink of an eye, making him arguably the fastest being in the Marvel Universe. 

the Runner is running amid the cosmos

This isn’t just about running fast; the Runner can move at such speeds that time and space bend around him.

To put it simply, he is faster than instant teleportation. 

Besides his speed, the Runner possesses other powers as well.

He can live forever without aging and has the unique ability to make those around him feel peace and happiness. 

This combination of speed and additional powers makes the Runner not just a marvel of speed but a fascinating character whose depth goes beyond his ability to move quickly.

The Confrontation with Thanos

Thanos Vs The Runner Full Comic Fight

The Runner’s incredible abilities once put him in the crosshairs of one of the universe’s most formidable villains: Thanos.

In his quest to collect the Infinity Stones, Thanos targeted the Runner for the Space Stone, which the Runner discovered while exploring the universe.

Using another stone, the Time Stone, Thanos temporarily aged the Runner to a million years old, rendering him helpless, and took the Space Stone from the Runner.

This event was a rare moment that showcased the Runner’s vulnerability.

Thanos then turned the Runner into an infant and brought him to the Collector in exchange for the Reality Stone.

However, the Runner soon returned to his normal state, full of life, and escaped from the Collector.

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