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Which Marvel Movies Can I Skip Before Endgame?

Which Marvel Movies Can I Skip Before Endgame?

Marvel’s Infinity Saga comprises 21 movies before Avengers: Endgame. But they aren’t like most movie franchises, where you have the same cast of characters for every film.

Instead, Marvel has different protagonists for most of its respective flicks. And some of its movies are more pertinent to Endgame than others. So, which movies can you skip before Endgame?

There are 9 movies in Marvel that you can skip before Endgame. These movies include The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor: The Dark World, Ant Man, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Captain Marvel.

Can I Skip What If… Marvel?

Marvel Studios' What If...? | Official Trailer | Disney+

What If…? traces its roots to the 1970s comic series, and the series features many of your favorite Avengers. It is set in the Multiverse and creates stories stemming from different routes some of Marvel’s most iconic characters could have pursued.

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Certain storylines pertaining to the Avengers include “What if the Avengers Had Never Been?”, “What if Rick Jones Had Become the Hulk?”, or “What if Captain America Were Elected President?”.

Since the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) What If…? series occurs during the Multiverse Saga’s timeline, you do not need to watch it before Avengers: Endgame.

Can I Skip Ant-Man and the Wasp Before Endgame?

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania by Marvel

While most movies in the MCU’s Infinity Saga pertain to storylines that culminate in Avengers: Endgame, some are nothing more than side adventures. Flicks like Infinity War pertain directly to Endgame in a greater capacity than movies like The Incredible Hulk, for example.

Other MCU movies may not seem like they are important to understanding Endgame’s storyline, but specific plot points are pertinent. Ant-Man and the Wasp resides in this category, meaning you should not skip the flick before Endgame.

This movie comes across as a standalone sequel to Ant-Man, so you will find some outlets telling you it’s okay to skip. However, there is one huge detail in Ant-Man and the Wasp that you will want to check out before watching Endgame.

Both movies deal with the Quantum Realm. In this realm, the laws of space and time don’t exist, and it is a key plot element that you will find in Endgame.

In short, it’s true that Ant-Man and the Wasp won’t leave you with too much confusion if you skip it before Endgame. But you will better understand Endgame’s overall plot if you choose to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp first. Therefore, you don’t want to skip it.

Do I Need to Watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Before Endgame?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 movie

Most sources agree that you can skip Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 before Endgame, and they are correct. However, there are a few movies you can skip that you may want to watch anyway, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is one of them.

While it’s true that the film is a side-adventure and not pertinent to the core Infinity Saga plot, many regard this as one of the funnest and most action-packed movies in the MCU.

When Star-Lord (Peter Quill) meets his mysterious father, he is initially taken with the encounter. However, he soon finds out his father is not all he’s cracked up to be, and that’s when trouble starts.

As you can see, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 has little to do with the overall Infinity Saga’s plot. However, its predecessor, Guardians of the Galaxy, is a movie you must watch if you plan on understanding Endgame’s storylines.

One major reason to watch the first Guardians of the Galaxy film is because it further builds the storyline circulating around Thanos and the Infinity Stones. You will see a lot of Thanos, the Stones, and the characters in Guardians in Infinity War and Endgame.

Can I Skip Captain Marvel Before Endgame?

Taking place in the 1990s, Captain Marvel’s storyline contains little pertinence to Endgame, so this is another film that won’t hurt you if you skip it.

However, its post-credits scene has a lot to do with setting the stage for Endgame, as we see Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) meeting with the Avengers. This scene will become important in Endgame, as it leads to a role she will play in the film.

Captain Marvel x Avengers: Endgame – ‘Where's Fury’ Post-Credits Scene [HD]

11 Movies to Watch Before Endgame

This section contains 11 of the 12 movies you must watch before Endgame. Since we already discussed Ant-Man and the Wasp earlier, we won’t talk about it here, but you must watch it before you turn on Endgame.

Below, you will find the title of each film and a short description highlighting why you must watch it before diving into Endgame.

1. Iron Man

iron man in his suit looking at the enemies

Iron Man is the first installment of the MCU. And while it doesn’t talk about the Infinity Stones, it introduces you to one of the Avengers’ most popular characters, Tony Stark. We also learn about S.H.I.E.L.D. in this film, which will play an important role later.

2. Thor

This one sets the stage for The Avengers, so it’s one you cannot skip. It introduces us to Loki, and he plays an important role in Endgame’s plot. We’re also introduced to the Tesseract, and we later discover that it holds an Infinity Stone.

3. Captain America: The First Avenger

When I first watched the Infinity Saga, I skipped this film, thinking it was a standalone. Big mistake, as it gives us an incredible backstory that later defines the MCU as a shared universe. This movie also dives deeper into Hydra, which will pop up later, along with the character Johann Schmidt (Red Skull).

4. The Avengers

The Avengers set the stage for future installments that included Age of Ultron and the Thanos-driven plot lines. This film is the product of what we saw from the first two Iron Man movies, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Thor.

However, the latter two tie in more closely to this storyline than Iron Man 2 and Hulk, which is why the former are not present on this list.

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Movie poster Captain America The Winter Soldier

You won’t find as much information regarding the Infinity Stones or Thanos in this film. But with S.H.I.E.L.D. playing a major role, this one is another must-watch as you prepare for Endgame. If you love movies that fall into multiple genres, The Winter Soldier won’t disappoint you.

6. Guardians of the Galaxy

This is the first movie containing none of the characters from The Avengers. However, we’re getting a huge dose of Thanos and the Infinity Stones. It’s also a fun movie that contains a lot of comic relief.

7. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron is perhaps the most polarizing movie on this list. Some insist on watching it while others insist on skipping.

But it introduces several characters, like Vision and the Scarlet Witch, who become important in Infinity War and Endgame. It also helps set the stage for the next movie on this list.

8. Captain America: Civil War

Avengers in Marvel's Captain America Civil War

Basically another Avengers movie, so it’s a must-watch. While it has little to do with the Infinity Stones and Thanos, it contains an ensemble cast at odds. Many in this cast will appear later in Infinity War, so Civil War is a great way to introduce yourself to them.

9. Doctor Strange

Some fans will tell you to skip this one, but it pushes the Infinity Stones storyline. Strange also appears and plays a major role in Infinity War, so I have always seen it as one of the more important entries to understanding Infinity War and Endgame.

10. Black Panther

Marvel superhero movie Black Panther

The fictional nation of Wakanda is a major setting in Infinity War, so there is no debate here. In fact, Wakanda is the nation where Infinity War’s climactic scene occurs, setting the stage for Endgame.

11. Avengers: Infinity War

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie where you would have no idea what would be going on if you didn’t read or watch the prequel? Infinity War is Endgame’s prequel. And if you skip it, good luck trying to understand Endgame.

Movies You Can Skip Before Endgame

There are nine movies in the Infinity Saga you can skip before Endgame. Those I talked about earlier are not listed, so you will not see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 or Captain Marvel here.

Like the above list, each movie has a short description and why it’s not pertinent to understanding Endgame.

1. The Incredible Hulk

Marvel's superhero Hulk

If there is one Infinity Saga film to skip in the entire franchise, it’s The Incredible Hulk. Mark Ruffalo doesn’t even play Bruce Banner in it, and it’s arguably the most obscure MCU film on the list. Unless you are a die-hard fan of the Hulk, it’s a definite skip.

2. Iron Man 2

A good one to watch if you are a fan of Tony Stark, but Iron Man 2 is nothing more than a follow-up to Iron Man. Therefore, you aren’t getting anything more out of this one as it pertains to Endgame. Overall, the MCU was still in its infancy and still finding its footing as a shared universe.

3. Iron Man 3

An entertaining movie that Tony Stark fans will love, Iron Man 3 deals with post-traumatic stress stemming from The Avengers. Therefore, this is just an epilogue to The Avengers.

4. Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World Official Trailer HD

Like Iron Man 3, The Dark World further deals with the fallout from The Avengers, so it doesn’t contain much advancement of the plot pertaining to Endgame. While adrenaline-pumping, it’s not necessary to watch.

5. Ant-Man

This one is an action-packed superhero heist film that does well as a standalone, but it isn’t incredibly pertinent to understanding Endgame.

We get introduced to the Quantum Realm here. But since it’s present in Ant-Man and the Wasp, you can watch the latter film and gain just as much of an understanding.

6. Spider-Man: Homecoming

Marvel series Spider Man Homecoming

Just as Iron Man 3 is an epilogue to The Avengers, Homecoming is an epilogue to Civil War. It sets Peter Parker’s character arc in motion, but it has little to do with the Infinity Stones or Thanos.

7. Thor: Ragnarok

If you need comic relief in your life, you need to watch Ragnarok. But if you are preparing for Endgame, it’s not necessary. Come back to it when you have free time for a horde of laughs, but not in a bad way. This film is a fun, action-packed thrill.


Overall, there are twelve MCU movies to watch before Endgame and nine that you can skip. You also don’t need to watch any of the television series like What If…?, Loki, or anything else that occurs following Endgame.

Some movies in the To Watch category don’t have as much to do with Thanos or the Infinity Stones, like Captain America: Civil War or Black Panther. However, either their character casts (Civil War), or settings (Black Panther) make them must-watches as you prep for Endgame.

You also want to watch the movies in the order that they are listed in the To Watch category. Just make sure you watch Ant-Man and the Wasp, listed in its own category, before you watch Endgame.

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