Thanos is a feared villain with enough power and strength to take on all of the Avengers at once.
Seemingly defeated in Avengers: Endgame, Thanos returned and was almost unbeatable. His sword and armor are part of what makes him so powerful.
What is Thanos’s sword (and Armor) made of? His Double-Edged Sword can break through Vibranium, so it must be forged with a material stronger than it.
Thanos’s Sword
Thanos’s sword is a legendary weapon. Seemingly indestructible, this Double-Edged Sword can be thrown at an opponent, and it returns to Thanos.
The sword is made from a durable material and has withstood blows from Thor’s Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. It can even break through Vibranium.
Vibranium is a metallic ore only found on Earth and the “poison planet” Torfa. It came to Earth by way of a meteorite one million years ago. Vibranium is powerful and enhances mystical energies.
Wakanda Vibranium is one of the two main types of this metal (Antarctic is the other). Captain America’s shield is mainly made of Vibranium.
Besides Vibranium, Captain America’s shield contains steel alloy, and Proto-Adamantium. His shield is almost indestructible.
Yet, in Avengers: Endgame, the Double-Edged Sword smashed through Captain America’s shield, reflectingThanos’s sword’s strength.
A metal stronger than Vibranium appears to be at work here.
Is Thanos’s Sword Made of Uru?
Given such capability, the Double-Edged Sword is probably made from some material that is stronger than Vibranium, most likely Uru.
Uru is a metal ore and one of the strongest-known metals in the Marvel Universe. Uru has been around since the beginning of the universe, and derives from the first moon. It looks like stone but has metallic elements.
This durable metal is known as a godly metal developed at Nidavellir, one of Marvel’s Ten Realms, that retains enchantment and makes weapons more durable.
Uru was used to make Thor’s Mjolnir and Stormbreaker. It was also in Iron Man’s Thorbuster suit.
Since Thanos might be the strongest warrior in the MCU, it makes sense that his weapon would be that strong and be able to break Captain America’s shield.
The co-director of Endgame, Joe Russo, refers to Thanos as “the Genghis Khan of the universe” who has “the greatest weapon.” Russo also suggests that Thanos’s sword could have been made by Eitri, the King of the Dwarves on Nidavellir.
If Eitri did forge Thanos’s sword, he has a track record of making powerful weapons, and the Double-Edge Sword could consist of Uru.
Since the Infinity Gauntlet is made from Uru, his sword probably would be too.
Many fans agree, indicating that Uru was likely used to make Thanos’s sword.
What other Materials Could Thanos’s Sword be Made of?
However, others speculated that it could be made from Yaka, if it’s not made from Uru. Yaka is a material that does not exist on Earth.
This is a rare metal used by the Centaurians to make their arrows. It could work well for swords too. Since these Yaka arrows can penetrate Ravager and Sakaran metals, this same material could work well with swords.
Yondu Udonta may be best known for using one of these arrows. He is a Centaurain who joined the Ravagers. Audiences probably remember his body and armor-piercing arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Hence, Yaka could have been used in Thanos’s sword, but this material does not appear to be as strong as Uru.
Adamantine is another material that could have been used to make Thanos’s sword. This substance went into weapons like Neptune’s Trident and Captain America’s shield.
An almost indestructible steel, Adamantium may be stronger than Vibranium. So, it may be an even likelier candidate than Yaka.
However, Adamantium does not appear to be a material that has been deployed that much in the MCU yet. It was used in the Captain’s shield and as a coating in Wolverine’s skeleton, but does not seem to have a wider application.
Thanos’s sword could also be made from Vibranium itself. Perhaps stronger layers of Vibranium could smash another Vibranium weapon, like the Captain’s shield.
Some Marvel fans agree with this last hypothesis. One post pointed out that Uru could not be the strongest metal in the universe since Vibranium is. The strength of Thanos’s blows using a Vibranium sword allow him to break Captain America’s shield.
Fans also pointed to the Celestials as the potential makers of the Double-Edged Sword.
The Celestials are pre-Asgardian beings known for their ability to manipulate energy and matter. Ego, Peter Quill’s father, is the most notable MCU Celestial from Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2.
Since the Celestials were the first masters of the Infinity Stones, and Thanos pursued those stones, it could mean Thanos located a Celestial weapon while trying to get the Infinity Stones.
These other materials reveal that Uru may not be the material used in Thanos’s sword.
Other materials are possible, but Uru still seems like the popular choice.
What is Thanos’s Armor Made of?
According to the MCU, Thanos’s armor is made from “a strong” and “exceptionally durable” metal. From this base description, we could conclude that Thanos’s armor probably consists of the same metal used for his sword.
This armor sustained attacks by the likes of the Hulk and Scarlet Witch. Yet, the latter damaged it. So, it’s not completely indestructible.
It would make sense that Thanos’s armor matches the strength of his sword. So here the material is again Uru, or Vibranium.
As with current theories, though, his armor could have also come from the Celestials.
Thanos’s Sword and Armor
Thano’s sword is most likely made of Uru. It could consist of Vibranium or Adamantium, but Uru has the most backing to it.
Thanos’s armor would follow in the steps of his sword and is probably composed of Uru too. Yet, the sword and the armor could have been made from the Celestials, making them even more powerful.

Todd Wahlstrom is a creative and analytical freelance writer and life-long Star Wars fan who has expanded into writing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has written about recent shows such as The Mandalorian and Andor and classic topics like Darth Vader, the Jedi, and Boba Fett. His recent articles include the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. Todd is the author of a non-fiction book, holds a Ph.D. in history, and enjoys hiking, running, and reading about science.