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What If Wolverine Killed The X-Men?

What If Wolverine Killed The X-Men?

Professor X caused the Westchester Incident, clearly, but Logan was possibly trying to cover up Charles Xavier’s guilt. 

Because it used to be a popular event in comics and even a mainstream conspiracy before the Logan movie came out, but yet to be introduced to cinema’s audience.  

Today, we’re delving into a grim alternative: ‘What If Logan Killed The X-Men?’ 

But first, let’s get to know what happens in Westchester. 

What Happens in the Westchester Incident

In the 2017 movie Logan, the Westchester Incident, which occurred in 2028 in the revised timeline, is a significant tragedy within the mutant community. 

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It is believed to have been caused by Charles Xavier, who, suffering from a degenerative brain disease, unknowingly kills several X-Men and injures hundreds. 

This officially marks his telepathic ability as a massive destructive threat; later verified by the White House and hunted by Transigen’s mutant clones.

LOGAN Clip - "Hotel Fight" (2017) Hugh Jackman

Before Charles eventually recognizes his own responsibility, he and some who had predicted events prior to the film initially suspect Logan as the instigator of this disaster. 

But, what led to this suspicion?

How Logan Hides The Truth from Charles Xavier

Despite the tragic outcome, Logan, also known as Wolverine, chooses to take responsibility for the incident himself (though not publicly). 

This decision might seem understandable to those who are familiar with Logan’s violent past, which could easily lead others, including Professor X, to believe such a misdirection.

As the truth later reveals, Logan may have intentionally allowed Charles to believe that he was responsible for the Westchester Incident. 

This becomes evident when an increasingly senile Charles, on what will become his deathbed, suddenly recalls the entire event.

Logan has withheld this information to protect Charles from the profound guilt and emotional torment associated with believing he had killed their family—the X-Men. 

This decision underscores Logan’s protective instincts towards Charles, aiming to shield him from the burden of self-blame.

The Time When Logan Kills The X-Men Instead

It turns out that the theory Logan caused the Westchester Incident is actually inspired by Marvel comic events. 

Drawing from the “Old Man Logan” (2009) comics, we explore an alternative narrative where Logan is the one who actually kills the X-Men. 

In this storyline, Logan is deceived by Mysterio’s illusions, believing he is engaged in a critical battle against a hostile villain. 

Unfortunately, he later discovers that these supposed villains are actually his beloved teammates.

Wolverine Kills The X-Men

This leads to a tragic scenario where Logan slaughters the X-Men, a devastating betrayal instigated by his deceived senses. 

While this act is manipulated by others, it introduces a complex paradox: what if Logan’s protective and violent instincts were turned against his own allies? 

The answer to this is difficult to determine.

So, what do you guys think? If Logan is the one who did away with the X-Men in Westchester will make Logan movie more interesting? Share with us!

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