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What if the Hulk Is Actually Protecting the World From Bruce Banner?

What if the Hulk Is Actually Protecting the World From Bruce Banner?

In most stories, the Hulk is seen as the wild and dangerous side of Bruce Banner, the brilliant scientist.

But in the 2021 Hulk comic series, this idea takes a surprising turn.

It suggests that Bruce Banner might actually be more dangerous than his green alter ego, the Hulk.

The series presents a scenario where the Hulk is not just a monster of rage but a necessary force protecting the world from Banner’s darker side.

Let’s explore this interesting Hulk storyline.

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The Fragmentation of Bruce Banner’s Psyche

Bruce Banner’s brilliance as a scientist often leads him to extreme measures to control the Hulk’s immense power.

In a drastic move, Banner splits his own mind into two parts. 

This allows him to trap the Hulk inside what he calls the “Hulk’s might control room.” 

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Here, Banner transforms the Hulk into something like a spaceship, which he refers to as “starship Hulk.”

This starship is powered by the Hulk’s rage, which Banner can manipulate and use.

This setup reveals a new side of Banner, one that is willing to use his own violent tendencies for his purposes.

By doing so, Banner’s actions are shown in a new light, revealing that he can be as threatening and dangerous as the Hulk, if not more.

Hulk as the Reluctant Guardian

The Hulk, trapped and used by Banner, becomes a sort of reluctant hero in this tale.

Although he is being manipulated to serve Banner’s ends, the Hulk acts as a protective force.

There are moments in the comic where the Hulk’s interventions prevent worse disasters that could arise from Banner’s plans, such as when the Hulk tries to escape from his control room to stop Banner’s evil plan.

This twist in their roles highlights how the Hulk’s power, usually seen as a mere force of destruction, serves as a crucial check against Banner’s more sinister ambitions.

The Hulk’s rage, typically viewed as a dangerous and uncontrollable force, is ironically what keeps Banner’s darker plans in check.

Consequences and Culmination of the Role Reversal

The storyline reaches a critical point when a new, malevolent persona called the Titan emerges, controlling Banner and causing massive destruction.

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This terrifying development shows just how much damage Banner can do if left unchecked.

The Hulk’s struggle to contain this new threat is central to the climax of the series.

Other Marvel characters like Thor and Iron Man get involved as they try to stop the destruction caused by Banner’s new persona.

Their interactions with both Banner and the Hulk shed light on the complex dynamics at play.

The Hulk’s role as a guardian becomes even more significant when he manages to divert a catastrophic gamma bomb explosion, saving countless lives.

However, the conclusion of the Titan saga is particularly dramatic.

Banner, in a desperate bid to rid himself of the Titan persona, confronts it within his own mind.

The Hulk and the Titan battle fiercely in a psychological and physical showdown, which ends with Banner convincing Hulk to wake up and finally tearing the Titan apart from the inside. 

This internal victory symbolizes Banner’s reclaiming of control over his own psyche, albeit temporarily, as the potential for darkness remains.

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