In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, audiences witnessed the demise of Count Dooku. After he fought Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin subdued and killed Dooku at Chancellor Palpatine’s command.
This scene was a turning point for the Sith’s rise and the launching of the Emperor’s plans. It was a pivotal moment that made Darth Vader and the Empire possible.
What if Anakin refused to kill Count Dooku? Multiple scenarios would play out, some favoring the Jedi and some not.
Anakin, Count Dooku, and the “Do It” Scene
In Revenge of the Sith, Count Dooku died after a lightsaber fight with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. At the beginning of the fight, Palpatine’s true identity had not been revealed.
After battling together against Dooku, Obi-Wan was knocked unconscious. Anakin continued fighting, overpowered Dooku, and cut off his hands. Palpatine said, “Good, Anakin, good,” as Dooku kneeled before Anakin’s lightsabers.
The Emperor-in-hiding then said, “Kill him. Kill him now.” After Anakin hesitated, Palpatine commanded, “Do it.” Anakin decapitated Dooku, serving as the turning point for both Palpatine and Anakin.
The rivalry between Anakin and Dooku led up to this moment. Anakin wanted to avenge his defeat in a fight with Dooku in Attack of the Clones. The death of this major Sith Lord allowed for Darth Vader’s rise.
Palpatine’s efforts to lure Anakin to the Sith culminate, and we witness the Empire’s rise and the Jedi’s extermination commence after this scene.
What if Anakin Refused to Kill Count Dooku?
This pivotal scene in Revenge of the Sith showed how conflicted Anakin was over killing Count Dooku. Although Palpatine gave him the “Do It” order, this went against the Jedi code.
We also see in this video how Count Dooku realized who Palpatine was and that Dooku was a tool for the Emperor’s rise and getting Anakin on Palpatine’s side.
In one scenario, if Dooku could have convinced Anakin to spare him, he could have revealed Palpatine’s identity to the Jedi. The Jedi Council could have stifled the Emperor’s plans.
In a second scenario, Palpatine would kill Count Dooku and make it look like an accident. He would probably reprimand Anakin, but he would still pull Anakin to the dark side and continue with his plans to wipe out the Jedi.
If the Jedi suspected foul play, Palpatine could also say he was unnerved by his captivity and apologize for his actions. He would still conceal his identity and continue with his plan to win over Anakin.
In a third scenario, Obi-Wan Kenobi could have regained consciousness sooner and stopped Anakin from killing Dooku. Anakin would still listen to Obi-Wan rather than Palpatine.
Then, they would all know Palpatine’s true identity, and we may conclude that the Jedi Council could intervene (like in scenario one).
Palpatine couldn’t kickstart his plans for wiping out the Jedi without Anakin’s full support. So, the movie would be drastically different.
What Else Could Have Happened If Anakin Refused to Kill Count Dooku?
Beyond these possibilities, Anakin could have refused and taken Dooku prisoner but been captured by General Grievous.
One description has Anakin saying a firm “No” to Palpatine, waking up Obi-Wan, and attempting to get to an escape pod only to be caught by General Grievous who surrounded them with battle droids. Dooku then escapes on a pod.
The movie could still proceed as the original from here, with the exception that Anakin does not become Vader.
As one post indicates, Anakin would have lost Palpatine’s favor and not been his apprentice. Perhaps Palpatine would turn back to Dooku or seek out another potential Jedi to turn to the dark side.
Yet, Dooku already followed the Dark path by killing Jedi Master Yaddle to become a Sith Lord. His worth to the Emperor may already have been used up, especially since he failed to kill Anakin.
Palpatine may then have to wait for the next generation with Luke Skywalker. If this is the case, Order 66 would most likely have to wait along with the rise of the Empire.
Then again, Palpatine might have disregarded the Rule of Two, where the master trains an apprentice only to have the latter turn on him. Palpatine could have moved ahead with his Clone Army anyway.
If Anakin Refused
These scenarios offer variant conclusions but most have the commonality of disrupting the Star Wars saga.
Even if Palpatine could forge ahead with Order 66, it seems likely Dooku or Anakin would know the truth about the Emperor’s intentions, and would have leaked his identity.
Maybe the Jedi would have stopped the Emperor’s plans, or maybe Dooku would have escaped. Either way, the rise of the Emperor and Darth Vader appear unlikely with Anakin refusing to kill Dooku.

Todd Wahlstrom is a creative and analytical freelance writer and life-long Star Wars fan who has expanded into writing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has written about recent shows such as The Mandalorian and Andor and classic topics like Darth Vader, the Jedi, and Boba Fett. His recent articles include the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. Todd is the author of a non-fiction book, holds a Ph.D. in history, and enjoys hiking, running, and reading about science.