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Who and What Can Break Vibranium?

Who and What Can Break Vibranium?

Vibranium is one of the most durable metals in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Marvel Comics.

Because it absorbs kinetic energy, vibranium is nearly indestructible. However, the keyword is “nearly”. There are some characters and other substances within the Marvel Universe that can damage or break vibranium.

Keep reading for a list of these characters and substances.

1. Thanos

Thanos is the most obvious addition to this list, as we saw him hack Captain America’s shield to bits in Avengers: Endgame.

Thanos Breaks Cap's Shield Scene : Avengers Endgame(2019)
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Before that, he destroyed Vision’s body, partially made of vibranium, to retrieve the Mind Stone in Avengers: Infinity War.

In both cases, Thanos wore the Infinity Gauntlet, so the Infinity Stones in his possession enhanced his strength.

It’s unclear whether he would have the strength to break vibranium on his own. It is possible he could not have done it without enhanced abilities from the stones.

What’s more, when he destroyed Captain America’s shield, his sword was likely made of a stronger material than vibranium, like Uru or adamantium.

2. Scarlet Witch

Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch, is arguably one of the strongest Avengers in the Infinity Saga.

She showed that she could break vibranium in Infinity War, when she destroyed the Mind Stone housed within Vision’s body.

Scarlet Witch kills Vision (Vision's death) / Wakanda team vs Thanos | Avengers Infinity War.

Vision was killed and his partially-vibranium body broke apart under the force of her Chaos Magic.

In Endgame, we saw Scarlet Witch break Thanos’ sword, which he used to destroy Captain America’s shield. Though it’s unknown what the sword was made of, it was clearly something at least as strong as vibranium.

Therefore, we can surmise that Scarlet Witch can break vibranium quite easily.

3. Uru

Uru is a dense metal that can house magical powers. It is so strong that it requires the energy of a star to forge.

This is the metal used in Thor’s Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, and it was possibly used to make Thanos’ sword.

Uru vs Vibranium Compilation

Though we saw in The Avengers that Mjolnir could not hurt Captain America’s shield, a sharp-edged Uru weapon, striking the edge of the shield, would most likely inflict more damage.

Add in the fact that the metal holds magical properties, and vibranium wouldn’t stand a chance against a weapon made of Uru.

4. Adamantium

Adamantium is a steel-vibranium alloy that is indestructible once it has been forged. It is one of the densest substances in the Marvel universe.

Since it is the denser metal, it could theoretically damage vibranium. For example, Wolverine’s adamantium claws could puncture Captain America’s vibranium shield or Black Panther’s vibranium body suit.

X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE Clip - "Adamantium" (2009) Hugh Jackman

5. Vibranium

Interestingly, vibranium can be used to damage another vibranium object. This was seen when Captain America’s shield damaged Ultron’s vibranium body in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Captain America vs Ultron - Fight Scene - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Movie CLIP HD

Vibranium is durable since it can absorb an extreme amount of kinetic energy. However, a weapon made of vibranium could damage another vibranium object because it holds the same density.

Further, a type of vibranium known as anti-metal can liquefy any other metal it comes in contact with, including other forms of vibranium. It does this by changing the molecular structure of the metal in question.

Liquefied vibranium would still retain its energy-absorbing properties, but it would also be useless as a weapon or suit of armor.

6. High Heat

All metals have a melting point, and vibranium is no different. That said, it takes high temperatures to affect this metal.

Vibranium is said to have a melting point of 5,475 degrees Fahrenheit. By comparison, steel melts at around 2,800 degrees, gold at 1,948 degrees, and titanium at 3,034 degrees.

To damage something made of vibranium using heat, you would need an extremely powerful energy weapon, like the energy blade used in the comic Fantastic Four #41.

In Age of Ultron, several of the Avengers combined energy blasts against Ultron. Thor used his lightning, Iron Man shot repulsor beams, and Vision created lasers using the Mind Stone.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie CLIP - Ultron vs Vision (2015) - James Spader Movie HD

The combined energy and high heat they created damaged Ultron’s vibranium body.

7. Hulk

Though it is unknown for certain if Hulk could break vibranium, some fans believe he could–given enough time and anger.

For one thing, Hulk emits gamma radiation when he reaches a certain level of anger. Gamma radiation makes vibranium brittle, which, in turn, causes it to break more easily.

What’s more, in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., we see that Hulk put a dent in a vibranium holding cell. Since he was able to dent the metal, he would probably be able to break it if he punched it enough times.

8. Thor

As the God of Thunder, Thor has many powers. As mentioned earlier, he combined his ability to produce lightning with energy beams from Iron Man and Vision to melt Ultron’s body.

Thor, vision and ironman melts ultron's vibranium body

It is uncertain whether the MCU Thor could break vibranium on his own–we know he was unable to damage Captain America’s shield in The Avengers.

That said, the comic book version of Thor can dent Cap’s shield while wielding the Odin Force. In an alternate timeline, he can even break the shield.

9. Magneto

Magneto X-Men

You might have expected Magneto to be higher on this list due to his ability to manipulate metals of all kinds.

In truth, though, it’s unclear whether or not the Mutant supervillain has any control over vibranium. 

In the comic Black Panther #48, he is unable to manipulate Black Panther’s blood iron because he couldn’t get through T’Challa’s vibranium body suit.

However, in X-Men #1, he tears apart a door made of vibranium.

Magneto has not been seen manipulating vibranium in the movies, so we don’t have anything to go on except for these two contradictory examples from the comic books.

10. Comic Book Characters

Aside from Magneto, there are several characters in the comics able to break vibranium.

These characters include Molecule Man, Doctor Doom, Serpent, Gregory Stark, and Loki.

Additionally, Roxxon Energy Corporation destroyed an island where vibranium was discovered, throwing so much kinetic energy at the substance that it finally exploded.

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