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Uru vs. Vibranium vs. Adamantium

Uru vs. Vibranium vs. Adamantium

Uru, vibranium, and adamantium are three metals found within the Marvel Comics. Each one is powerful and practically indestructible.

But how do they compare against each other? Which one is strongest, hardest, most durable? Which one has the most magical properties or is most readily available within the Marvel universe?

Keep reading to find out!

What is Uru?

Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, made of Uru metal

Uru is a metal ore unique to Asgard in the Marvel universe.

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It is said to be one of the oldest substances in existence, as it came from the first moon in the universe.

Uru appears gray and dull, like stone, though it has metallic properties.

One of its unique abilities is that it stores energy, particularly magic, by absorbing magic “like a sponge.” This gives the ore magical powers while also enhancing the natural abilities of those using it.

Uru is one of the toughest materials in the universe to forge. It requires high heat–for example, Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, was created in a forge built from a dying star.

The metal is dense and hard to destroy.

What is Vibranium?

Vibranium is extraterrestrial, as a meteor brought it to Earth in ancient times. You will find most of Earth’s source of the metal in Wakanda, Africa.

This rare metal has incredible properties. Perhaps most well-known is its ability to absorb and store vast amounts of kinetic energy. It can also release this energy as light.

Since it can absorb most impacts, it is virtually indestructible. This makes it powerful, but it is also more lightweight than other metals.

Vibranium also has some mutagenic properties, meaning it can interact with and change biological bodies on a cellular level. In this way, it enhances natural strength, perception, and magical abilities.

What is Adamantium?

What is Adamantium?

Adamantium differs from Uru and vibranium because it is an alloy made on Earth from various substances.

They created this alloy’s first sample by accident during World War II and they never perfectly replicated it. This was made by combining steel and vibranium with an unknown catalyst.

True adamantium is the most common form. It is nearly as hard and indestructible as the first sample of adamantium, but it does not contain vibranium.

Other forms of the alloy include secondary adamantium and beta-adamantium.

Though Marvel has not introduced adamantium within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), it is a well-known substance throughout the comics–most notably as the substance used for Captain America’s shield and Wolverine’s claws and skeleton.

Side-By-Side Comparisons

As you can see, each metal is extremely potent. But which one takes the cake as the most indestructible metal in the Marvel universe?

Let’s compare them against each other.

Every Marvel Metal Explained | Uru, Adamantium, Vibranium


All three metals are extremely strong, and for different reasons.

Uru is so dense that it is almost impossible to forge; and once forged, it draws on its user’s magical abilities to become even stronger.

Vibranium can absorb any impact, hence its incredible strength. It also has magical (mutagenic) properties of its own, increasing its potency.

Adamantium is dense, and once created, you cannot rearrange its molecular structure.

So for the overall strength of these metals, they are pretty much equal.


Due to their impressive strength, all three metals are durable as well.

The nod might go to Uru, however.

It is theoretically possible to destroy vibranium by directing more kinetic energy at it than it can absorb. One could also destroy most forms of adamantium if they direct enough force at the alloy.

We saw one instance of Uru get destroyed when Hela crushed Mjolnir with her hand. However, anyone less powerful than the Goddess of Death could not have performed such a feat.

Thor threw Mjolnir at Hela


Vibranium is the softest metal on this list–though it is difficult to destroy. This is due to its energy-absorbing properties and not its sheer hardness.

This contest comes down to adamantium vs. Uru, and it’s difficult to make an accurate comparison since no one has introduced adamantium to the MCU.

However, the comic book version of adamantium is hard enough to cut through most substances, with Captain America’s shield being the known exception.

So, it is possible an adamantium blade could cut through Uru.

Uru is at least as dense as adamantium, and it has added properties of magic and enchantment.

Therefore, if one enchanted a block of Uru to be indestructible against adamantium, the adamantium blade would be powerless against it.

With that in mind, Uru wins this contest.

Magical Properties

Adamantium has no magical properties, nor can it absorb magic.

With that in mind, let’s compare Uru’s and vibranium’s magical properties.

Vibranium’s mutagenic properties allow it to change the cellular structure of plants, animals, and people. This allows it to bestow magical powers on those who use it or who ingest certain mutated plants, such as the heart-shaped herb.

Vibranium can also enhance some users’ natural magical abilities.

Steve Rogers holding his shield vs. Marvel Legend

Uru also grants its users magical powers. However, it also draws on its user’s powers and abilities, allowing it to become more powerful.

In this way, Uru creates a symbiotic relationship with those who use it–both the metal and the user gain enhanced powers from each other, with each becoming more powerful.

Once again, Uru wins out in the category of magical properties.


All three metals make excellent weapons and armor, but not all of them are readily available for these uses. Which metal is most available to the greatest number of characters in the Marvel universe?

characters in the Marvel universe

Uru and vibranium are extremely rare. Uru doesn’t even exist outside the Asgardian Realm, so it is not available to anyone but those from Asgard.

Vibranium is the rarest metal on Earth, so there isn’t a lot to work with. What is available comes at a steep price–about $10,000 per gram.

Adamantium is also rare and expensive to make, but this is due more to government control over the process than a lack of availability.

Technically speaking, adamantium is the most available metal of the three because there is not a limited supply of it–since they make it from steel, it is created at will.

Even though it hasn’t been introduced to the MCU as yet, adamantium wins out in this category.

Category Winner
Strength Three-way tie
Durability Uru
Hardness Uru
Magical Properties Uru
Availability Adamantium


Though Uru, vibranium, and adamantium are all incredibly strong metals, Uru is the hardest and most durable of the three. It is also most strongly affected by magic.

However, for the average character looking for a weapon or a suit of armor, adamantium is the most readily available of the three metals.

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