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Tony Stark Lowers Reed Richards’ Intelligence

Tony Stark Lowers Reed Richards’ Intelligence

In the vast universe of Marvel, Tony Stark’s journey takes an incredible turn, rocketing him into cosmic godhood.

Imagine the genius of Iron Man amplified to cosmic scales, clashing with powerful beings and reshaping intellect across New York.

But what happens when a godlike Stark inadvertently affects the brainpower of Marvel’s smartest, Reed Richards?

The Cosmic Battle and Its Aftermath

Tony Stark and Michael Korvac’s ascendancy to cosmic beings set the stage for an epic showdown that resonated across the stars.

Their battle, fierce and unyielding, threatened the very fabric of the universe until the Living Tribunal intervened.

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Korvac faced imprisonment for his actions, while Stark, promising to wield his newfound powers for benevolence, was spared.

This event marked a pivotal moment in Stark’s journey, transforming him from a mere mortal to a guardian of the cosmic order.

Stark’s Return and the Intellectual Conundrum

Upon his return to Earth, Tony Stark was met with skepticism and awe by his fellow Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

Proclaiming his godhood, Stark revealed he had elevated the intellect of every New Yorker to match his own genius.

This declaration prompted a mixture of disbelief and curiosity among the heroes, especially the famously brilliant Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four.

Reed Richards’ Unexpected Predicament

In a moment of cosmic arrogance, believed he had the ultimate solution by “elevating” everyone’s intellect to his level.

The outcome, however, was a humbling blow to Stark’s ego when it came to Reed Richards, a man well-known for his unparalleled intellect in the whole Marvel universe

Richards found himself grappling with a downturn in his intelligence, a direct contradiction to Stark’s well-intentioned but misguided endeavor.

This unforeseen effect of Stark’s actions spotlighted the irony in his self-proclaimed status as the “smartest”.

Last Words

For a deeper dive into this cosmic irony where Tony Stark’s genius unintentionally dims the brightest mind in Marvel, flip through the pages of Iron Man (Vol. 6) #16.

Despite Stark’s unparalleled genius, the issue subtly reminds us that in the universe of intellects, some stars shine even brighter, like Reed Richards.

It’s a fascinating tale of cosmic power, unintended consequences, and the humbling realization that there are always minds that soar even higher.

What’s your take on this ironic twist? Who do you crown as the supreme genius of Marvel?

Take a jump into the comment section below and let’s unpack this cosmic intellect showdown!

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