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This Mutant Can Easily Destroy Wolverine

This Mutant Can Easily Destroy Wolverine

Wolverine is one of the most well-known and powerful mutants in the Marvel universe.

With his strong healing ability and nearly indestructible metal bones, he seems almost impossible to beat.

But what if I told you there’s a mutant who can easily take him down? Surprisingly, that mutant is Cyclops, the leader of the X-Men.

In an alternate Marvel story (Dark Ages #6), Cyclops shows us just how dangerous he can be, even to someone as tough as Wolverine.

Wolverine Is Not That Unstoppable

Wolverine has a reputation for being one of the toughest heroes around.

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His healing factor allows him to recover quickly from nearly any injury, and his bones are coated with adamantium, a super-strong metal that makes him even harder to hurt.

He’s survived explosions, gunfire, and attacks that would kill almost anyone else. Because of this, many fans think of him as nearly unbeatable.

But Marvel loves to explore new angles, and in the “Dark Ages” story arc, we see that even Wolverine has his limits.

In this story, the ancient villain Apocalypse captures many of Earth’s greatest heroes, including Cyclops, and uses his powers to control their minds.

Under Apocalypse’s control, Cyclops is forced to fight against his friends, including Wolverine.

What happens next is a shocking reminder that Wolverine isn’t invincible. Cyclops, who usually keeps his power in check, uses his full strength in this battle.

The result? He destroys Wolverine in a way we’ve rarely seen.

Cyclops’ Optic Blasts

Cyclops’ main power is his optic blasts—beams of energy that shoot from his eyes.

Normally, Cyclops uses these blasts carefully to avoid causing too much damage.

But when he’s fully unleashed, these blasts are incredibly powerful.

In the “Dark Ages” story, Cyclops uses his optic blasts at full strength against Wolverine.

The blasts are so strong that they tear through Wolverine’s skin and muscle, eventually reducing him to nothing but a skeleton.

Even Wolverine’s amazing healing ability can’t keep up with the damage, and Cyclops leaves him as a pile of ashes with only his metal bones remaining.

Not even Wolverine’s incredible healing factor can withstand this onslaught.

It’s an unexpected event that leaves us with wonderings about what if Cyclops were to fully unleash his power more often, how many other “invincible” heroes might meet a similar fate?

So, what do you think? Should Cyclops continue to restrain his power like he frequently does, or is it time we see what happens when he lets loose? Share your thoughts!

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