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This Is What Happens When Human Torch CAN’T Turn His FLAME OFF

This Is What Happens When Human Torch CAN’T Turn His FLAME OFF

The Human Torch, one of the most iconic members of the Fantastic Four, has always been a beacon of fiery power and youthful enthusiasm.

But what happens when this flame never extinguishes?

In Fantastic Four issue #35, Dr. Doom does the unthinkable: he makes it impossible for Johnny Storm to turn off his flame.

Let’s explore the dramatic consequences and emotional toll of this twist in Johnny’s life.

Dr. Doom’s Revenge

Victor von Doom or Doctor Doom, the arch-nemesis of the Fantastic Four, always has a cunning plan up his sleeve.

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In issue #35, he strikes at the heart of Johnny Storm’s powers by creating a machine called the Armagedron that permanently locks Johnny in his fiery form.

This twist pushes Johnny into uncharted territory, both physically and emotionally.

Doom’s actions weren’t just random villainy. He had a personal vendetta against Johnny.

Despite Johnny’s commitment to his relationship with Sky, he cheated on her with Zora Vukovic, also known as Victorious.

Zora, in a political move, was proposed to by Doom to become Latveria’s queen.

During the wedding ceremony, Zora admitted her affair with Johnny, causing Doom to explode in rage and set Johnny into a living “candle”.

The Unstoppable Flame

Johnny’s first instinct is to find a quick fix. He dives to the bottom of the ocean, hoping the water will douse his flames.

To his shock, the fire keeps burning, unaffected by the depths of the sea.

Desperate, he then flies into space, thinking the vacuum will snuff out his fire. Yet again, his flames persist, burning bright even without oxygen.

Dr. Doom’s machine has fundamentally altered the nature of Johnny’s powers, making his flame unstoppable with or without oxygen.

The Physical and Emotional Strain

Being perpetually engulfed in flames comes with severe consequences. Johnny can no longer eat or drink, as his fiery form incinerates anything he tries to consume.

This constant state of burning leaves him physically weakened and in a state of perpetual discomfort.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking aspect of Johnny’s condition is his isolation. He can’t interact with anyone without the risk of setting them on fire.

This means no handshakes, no hugs, and no close contact with his teammates or loved ones.

The Human Torch, known for his vibrant personality and close bonds with his friends and family, finds himself utterly alone.

Johnny’s Journey to Turn Off His Flame

Despite the grim situation, Johnny doesn’t give up. When the Brotherhood of the Badoon invades Earth, Johnny and the Fantastic Four spring into action.

Their mission takes them to the Watcher’s Citadel, where they encounter Nick Fury and learn about the Reckoning, a group distributing advanced weapons to hostile forces.

Johnny takes the lead in the fight against the Reckoning, rallying the planet Spyre and other cosmic allies.

His determination and heroism shine through as he helps defeat the Reckoning’s leader, Wrath, with the Ultimate Nullifier.

However, this victory comes with a cost. Reed Richards loses the knowledge needed to reverse Johnny’s condition after using the Ultimate Nullifier.

Frustrated but undeterred, Johnny chooses to stay on Spyre, where scientists develop a machine that reverses cosmic ray mutations.

This machine finally restores Johnny’s powers to their original state, allowing him to turn off his flame.

After this long and arduous journey, Johnny returns to Earth, ready to rejoin his team and live a more normal life.

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