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This Is What Happened If Wolverine Raised Daken Properly

This Is What Happened If Wolverine Raised Daken Properly

The Marvel Universe has given us many compelling characters, but few relationships are as complicated as the one between Wolverine (Logan) and his son, Daken (Akihiro).

Daken’s life is a tragic tale of manipulation, abandonment, and violence – a story that has shaped him into one of Marvel’s most ruthless anti-heroes.

But what if things had been different? What if Logan had been there for Daken from the start, raising him with the love and guidance every child deserves?

This article explores how Daken’s life might have unfolded if Wolverine had raised him properly.

The Canonical Timeline – A Life of Abandonment and Manipulation

Before diving into the alternate scenario, it’s essential to understand the reality that Daken faced in the main Marvel timeline (Earth 616).

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Daken Origin - He Is Wolverine's Psychotic Murderous Long Lost Son With A Personality Beyond Repair

Born to Logan and his Japanese wife, Itsu, Daken was ripped from his mother’s womb after she was murdered by the Winter Soldier, under the orders of the mysterious Romulus.

This brutal beginning set the stage for a life filled with resentment, pain, and vengeance.

Daken was raised by adoptive parents who were never fully accepting of him, particularly his adoptive mother, who grew increasingly distant.

This lack of maternal love and the racism he faced for his mixed heritage led to deep psychological scars.

Over time, Daken’s powers and violent tendencies alienated him from others, driving him further down a dark path.

Under Romulus’s manipulative guidance, Daken became a weapon, honing his skills in combat and deception.

His twisted view of the world was shaped by lies, including the belief that Logan was responsible for his mother’s death.

This belief fueled Daken’s desire for revenge against his father, leading to numerous confrontations between the two.

An Alternate Reality Where Wolverine Raised Daken as a Father

In this alternate universe, everything changes with one critical difference: Logan raises Daken himself.

After witnessing and ending the murder of his wife, Logan decides to take his newborn son into hiding in the Tibetan mountains, far from the chaos of his past life.

Determined to shield Daken from the violence and corruption that had defined his own life, Logan embraces the challenge of fatherhood with a resolve to do better.

Raising Daken in a remote, peaceful environment, Logan instills in his son the values of discipline, honor, and respect for life.

He teaches Daken how to harness his mutant abilities for good, focusing on control rather than destruction.

With Logan’s guidance, Daken grows up learning to balance his animalistic instincts with a sense of humanity, something Logan struggled with for years.

The Tension Between Nature and Nurture

However, despite Logan’s best efforts, the bond between father and son is not without its challenges.

Daken, like his father, has a wild, untamable side that occasionally surfaces.

The struggle between Daken’s inherent aggression and the moral code Logan tries to instill creates a tension that neither can fully escape.

In one pivotal moment, Daken’s darker instincts nearly lead him to harm another child from the local monastery.

Logan, realizing the danger his son poses to others if left unchecked, makes the difficult decision to leave Daken alone for a time, hoping that solitude and responsibility will teach him the value of his father’s lessons.

Unfortunately, this absence leaves Daken vulnerable to outside influences – namely, Sabretooth, who takes advantage of Logan’s absence to poison Daken’s mind with the truth about his mother’s death.

A Path Diverged

After learning the truth, Daken’s resentment toward Logan grows, and the bond they had worked so hard to build begins to crumble.

Daken feels betrayed, and despite Logan’s attempts to explain and make amends, the damage is done.

Daken leaves his father, embarking on a life of crime as a hired gun (or hired claws, lol) for the Yakuza, eventually rising to power as a crime boss.

Years later, when Wolverine tracks down his son, the encounter is bittersweet.

Logan offers Daken one last chance at redemption, but Daken, unable to reconcile the man he has become with the boy he once was, refuses.

Their final battle is tragic, a culmination of years of unresolved conflict and misunderstanding.

In the end, Logan is forced to kill his own son with the Muramasa Blade, and later takes his own life, unable to live with the guilt of losing his son.

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