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There Are Two SOLID Reasons Why MCU Vision Couldn’t Cut Thanos In Half As He Did In What-If

There Are Two SOLID Reasons Why MCU Vision Couldn’t Cut Thanos In Half As He Did In What-If

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has gifted us with countless thrilling moments, but it also leaves us with many unsolved questions.

One such question arises from the difference in Vision’s abilities seen in “Avengers: Infinity War” and the animated series “What-If”.

Specifically, why couldn’t Vision cut Thanos in half in “Infinity War” as he did in “What-If”?

The article will dive deep into and uncover the reasons behind this disparity. Let’s get started!

Shuri’s Attempt to Save Vision Was Interrupted

In “Avengers: Infinity War,” Vision was in a dire situation. After the events of “Captain America: Civil War,” Vision and Wanda Maximoff were on the run, trying to live a peaceful life.

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However, their tranquility was shattered when Thanos and his Black Order began hunting the Infinity Stones, one of which was embedded in Vision’s forehead.

When Vision was brought to Wakanda, Shuri, T’Challa’s genius sister, was tasked with carefully removing the Mind Stone without killing him.

This delicate process was interrupted when Corvus Glaive attacked the lab. By this point, Shuri had already managed to disconnect about 80% of Vision’s connection to the Mind Stone.

Infinity War - All Shuri Scenes

This left Vision significantly weakened, with only 20% of the Mind Stone’s power available to him.

His weakened state was evident when he could barely fend off Corvus Glaive, and it was only with the help of Captain America and Hulk that he survived.

This paints a clear picture: Vision was not at full strength during the confrontation with Thanos.

Factors That Vision Couldn’t Cut Thanos In Half As He Did In “What-If”

20% of Mind Stone vs 5 Infinity Stones

With 80% of the Mind Stone’s power disconnected, Vision was operating at a fraction of his usual strength.

In contrast, when Ultron wielded Vision’s body in “What-If”, he had complete control over the Mind Stone and its capabilities.

Moreover, at the time of their encounter in “Infinity War,” Thanos already possessed five Infinity Stones.

Even if Vision had used the remaining power of the Mind Stone, it would likely have been futile against Thanos’ nearly complete Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos’ combined power far outstripped what Vision could muster with his diminished connection to the Mind Stone.

Thanos Kills Vision - Thanos Uses Time Stone | Avengers Infinity War (2018) IMAX Movie Clip HD 4K

The “What-If” Scenario: Ultron’s Full Potential

In the animated series “What-If”, we see a different scenario.

Ultron, having transferred his consciousness into Vision’s body, is at full strength and in complete control of the Mind Stone.

This allows him to effortlessly cut Thanos in half, even though Thanos possesses five Infinity Stones at that moment.

Unlike Vision, Ultron is a seasoned combatant with a singular focus on power and domination.

Ultron Kills Thanos, Takes The Infinity Stones Scene - What If Episode 8

Vision, on the other hand, was relatively young in terms of his existence and lacked extensive combat experience.

His primary focus was on living a peaceful life with Wanda, not honing his powers for battle.

This stark difference in mindset and experience also plays a crucial role in their respective capabilities.

vision and wanda being a couple (+ reasons why they are making me sad)

Last Words

In summary, the disparity between Vision’s actions in “Avengers: Infinity War” and “What-If” boils down to several factors: Vision’s weakened state during the battle in Wakanda, Thanos’ overwhelming power with five Infinity Stones, and the contrasting nature and experience between Vision and Ultron.

Understanding these nuances helps us appreciate the complexities of the MCU and the unique storytelling that keeps us all hooked.

So, next time you watch these scenes, remember the context and the limitations Vision faced.

It’s not just about the powers he had, but also the circumstances and the character’s journey that defined his actions.

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