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The Three Most Useless Mutant Powers in Marvel Comics

The Three Most Useless Mutant Powers in Marvel Comics

In the dazzling world of superhero antics and cosmic battles, not every character gets to bask in the glory of having awe-inspiring powers.

Indeed, nestled within the Marvel Universe is a quirky trio whose abilities might make you do a double-take.

This article is a light-hearted homage to Long Neck, Glob Herman, and Bailey Hoskins – mutants whose powers are more likely to inspire giggles than gasps of awe.

Let’s dive into the unique charm of these underdog heroes, proving that even the most unconventional powers have a place in the superhero realm.

Stretching the Limits: Long Neck’s Lofty Aspirations

a boy wearing an X-men costume and closing his eyes in disappointment, while his hands hold his chin

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William Hanover, known as Long Neck, was a mutant with a superpower: a neck that was slightly longer than normal.

His unique ability not only allows him to spy over towering fences during neighborhood disputes but also to snag the last bag of chips from unreachable shelves at grocery stores.

However, the real comedy unfolds in his daily life, particularly in fashion: finding a turtleneck that fits becomes his Herculean task, leading to a personal ban on all neckwear except for custom-made infinity scarves.

He has also inadvertently become the local birdwatching tower, offering a perch for confused pigeons that mistake him for a friendly lamppost.

Long Neck’s life is a series of laugh-out-loud moments, proving that sometimes, the greatest power is making people smile – intentionally or not.

The Wax Wonder: Glob Herman’s Sticky Situations

Glob Herman

Robert Herman, aka Glob Herman, is a mutant whose body is made of a translucent wax bio-paraffin substance.

This unique composition not only gives him a gelatinous, see-through appearance, making his skeleton visible from the outside but also renders him somewhat resistant to physical attacks.

He can even set parts of his body alight for various effects, though he risks melting himself in the process.

However, there is one main drawback: his body wax is easily flammable.

The Most Useless Superpowers

Imagine the everyday challenges he faces, where being semi-transparent and easily flammable is more often a curse than a blessing.

From the struggles to maintain personal privacy to the dangers of walking too close to open flames at a barbecue, Glob’s life offers a rich vein of humor to mine.

One-Hit Wonder: Bailey Hoskins’ Explosive Dilemma

Bailey Hoskins: Marvel's Explosive Hero!

Bailey Hoskins has one of the most bittersweet mutant powers imaginable: he can detonate himself with the force of a large bomb, a power that, unfortunately, guarantees his own demise in the process.

This “explosive” ability makes Bailey a literal one-hit wonder.

The humor in Bailey’s predicament lies in the ironic and extreme nature of his power, which essentially renders him incredibly powerful but at the cost of his life.

Last Words

In conclusion, while they may not be the first (or second) choice for the frontline in an epic superhero showdown, Glob Herman, Long Neck, and Bailey Hoskins remind us of the diversity and hilarity hidden in the corners of the Marvel Universe.

Their existence celebrates the idea that not all heroes fit the traditional mold, and sometimes, it’s the most “useless” powers that lead to the most memorable stories.

After all, in a world where the impossible regularly happens, there’s a special kind of heroism in facing the day with powers that are more likely to amuse than amaze.

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