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The *Strongest* Avenger That Can Kill Deadpool With Just A Single Punch

The *Strongest* Avenger That Can Kill Deadpool With Just A Single Punch

The Marvel universe is filled with powerful heroes and villains, but when it comes to the ultimate showdown, one question stands out: Who is the strongest Avenger that can kill Deadpool with just a single punch?

The answer is the Hulk, and here’s what happens.

Deadpool Seeking Death

Deadpool, known for his regenerative abilities and dark humor, has a complicated relationship with death.

In one storyline, he desires to be united with Mistress Death, a character he is infatuated with.

To achieve this, Deadpool devises a plan that only the Hulk can execute. He orchestrates a scenario where the Hulk will be forced to kill him for the greater good.

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Deadpool sets up a series of nuclear bombs that are remotely linked to his body. These bombs can only be deactivated when Deadpool dies.

It’s a high-stakes situation that leaves the Hulk with no choice but to confront Deadpool.

When Deadpool explains what he has done, it enrages the Hulk to the point where he unleashes his full strength.

The Fatal Punch of the Incredible Hulk

In a fit of rage, the Hulk punches Deadpool with all his might. The impact is so powerful that it essentially vaporizes Deadpool’s body.

This moment showcases that he is indeed the strongest Avenger capable of killing Deadpool with a single punch.

Despite being vaporized, Deadpool’s story doesn’t end there. His regenerative abilities are so advanced that five days later, his body regenerates back to normal.

Unfortunately for Deadpool, this means he cannot stay united with Mistress Death. Instead, he finds himself back in the land of the living, and eventually, he is sent to a mental institution.

In conclusion, the Hulk’s ability to kill Deadpool with a single punch highlights his status as the strongest Avenger.

While Deadpool’s regenerative abilities make him nearly impossible to kill permanently, the Hulk’s unmatched strength allows him to do the seemingly impossible for a short period.

The whole storyline is in Deadpool vol. 4 #39.

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