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The Reason Why Wolverine Should NOT Use Vibranium Skeleton

The Reason Why Wolverine Should NOT Use Vibranium Skeleton

You’ve probably heard about how Adamantium poisoned Wolverine’s mutant power, but have you ever imagined what he would become if he had Vibranium instead? 

Stronger, more agile, with a fully-charged healing factor – he sounds like an unstoppable X-Men, doesn’t he? 

However, let me tell you, there’s a reason why Logan should NOT use a Vibranium skeleton. We will uncover that reason right after this. 

Stay tuned and let’s get started!

The Difference of Vibranium and Adamantium

Vibranium, an extraterrestrial metal that landed in Wakanda, has remarkable properties. 

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There are two natural forms of Vibranium in Marvel: Wakandan, known for kinetic energy dispersion, and Antarctic, which dissolves metals and is termed anti-metal. 

Beyond protection, its energy-absorbing capabilities power advanced technology and create formidable weapons and armor, making it highly valuable. 

Contrastingly, Adamantium, used in Wolverine’s claws and skeleton, is a peak of human innovation—a steel alloy unmatched in strength and resilience. 

Created through a secretive process, this synthetic metal is nearly indestructible but toxic, posing health risks to Wolverine by challenging his healing abilities. 

Marvel Comics: Vibranium & Adamantium Explained

So, when comparing Vibranium’s superior features to Adamantium, why wouldn’t Wolverine choose Vibranium for his skeleton?

Why Wolverine Should NOT Use Vibranium Skeleton (aside from its rarity)

What if Wolverine had a Vibranium skeleton instead? We’ve detailed this discussion in an article, but here’s a brief overview: 

If he had Vibranium, being a lighter alloy, he would certainly be more agile and mobile. However, Vibranium’s drawbacks are specific, depending on the type inside him – and this is the key.

While Wolverine’s healing factor counters Adamantium poisoning, Vibranium’s unique properties could be equally harmful, primarily due to its distinct chemistry. 

As previously mentioned, Marvel features two natural Vibranium forms: Wakandan and Antarctic; the latter, known as anti-metal, dissolves other metals. 

If Wolverine had Wakandan Vibranium, he might accidentally blow off his limbs; with Antarctic Vibranium, he could destroy the iron in his blood, literally melting from the inside. 

Well, if Howard Stark is the person behind the X-Program and was choosing between Adamantium and the material of Cap’s shield for Wolverine’s bones, he would likely still choose Adamantium.

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