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Spider-Man Will Reportedly Face Green Goblin and Doc Ock Once Again in the MCU, Sparking Fan Outrage

Spider-Man Will Reportedly Face Green Goblin and Doc Ock Once Again in the MCU, Sparking Fan Outrage

Reports have surfaced that Spider-Man will once again face two of his most iconic foes, Green Goblin and Doc Ock, in the upcoming fourth installment.

This news has stirred up quite a bit of controversy and disappointment among fans.

Old Villains, New Movie

Marvel Studios faces a challenging task in balancing fan expectations and creative storytelling. Producer Amy Pascal confirmed that work on the fourth Spider-Man movie had been paused due to the Writers Guild of America strike but is now back in full swing.

With these new rumors, it’s clear that the studio is looking to create a buzz, though it’s not yet clear if it’s the kind of buzz fans were hoping for.

According to Alex Perez from Cosmic Circus, Spider-Man will battle both Doc Ock and Green Goblin in his next film.

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This has led to a wave of mixed reactions from the fandom.

While these villains were memorable in their previous outings, many fans are feeling let down by the decision to recycle the same characters instead of introducing new ones from Spider-Man’s extensive rogues gallery.


The call for new villains is loud and clear. Fans are eager to see Spider-Man face off against different foes, such as Scorpion, who was teased in the post-credits scene of “Spider-Man: Homecoming.”

Spider-Man: Homecoming - After Credits Scenes

One fan simply stated, “Bruh, we just want Scorpion.”

There’s also a strong sentiment that rehashing old villains could diminish the impact of their previous portrayals.

Willem Dafoe’s performance as Green Goblin and Alfred Molina as Doc Ock were widely praised, and some fans believe that bringing back the character again might not live up to that standard.

“Replacing two of the best actors in all of the Marvel related movies is not a good idea,” one fan commented.

Potential New Takes on Classic Characters

While the rumors are still unconfirmed, there is speculation about how these characters might be reimagined.

One theory suggests that instead of Norman Osborn, we could see Phil Urich take up the mantle of the Green Goblin.

As a fan proposed, “Why doesn’t Marvel just use the Hobgoblin instead of the Green Goblin? If the Hobgoblin was used, then it could be an entirely new character or some version of Ned, which might be interesting to see considering Peter’s past with the character.”

In the comics, Phil Urich initially becomes a heroic Green Goblin before turning into a villain. His character could also establish a connection to the MCU’s Daredevil series, adding a new layer to the story.

Similarly, instead of Otto Octavius, the new Doc Ock might be Luke Carlyle. In the comics, Carlyle is a con-man who steals Octavius’s technology, creating a suit with six mechanical arms.

This fresh take could bring a youthful energy and a different dynamic to the character.

So, what do you think about Marvel’s reuse of old villains? Let us know in the comment section below!

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