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Real Reason Why Quicksilver Couldn’t Save Hawkeye Without Sacrificing in Age of Ultron, What If He Survived?

Real Reason Why Quicksilver Couldn’t Save Hawkeye Without Sacrificing in Age of Ultron, What If He Survived?

In the Age of Ultron’s final battle, Quicksilver sacrificed himself to save Hawkeye and a child.

But why didn’t he just move them to safety or use something nearby as a shield? And what would have happened if he had survived and joined the Endgame battle?

“What? You didn’t see that coming?”

Well, I’ll explore all these questions in this article below. Let’s begin.

Why Speed Couldn’t Save Quicksilver in the Age of Ultron?

Quicksilver’s death in Age of Ultron left many of us baffled, especially considering his speed and agility. You’d think he could save Hawkeye, the child, and himself all at once.

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However, after rewatching the movie, a theory emerges that makes sense of this tragic moment.

Agent Hill mentions Quicksilver’s increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis early in the movie.

His high metabolism allows him to burn calories rapidly, which is crucial for his super-speed. This also means he consumes a lot of oxygen.

Thermal homeostasis helps prevent his body from overheating.

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As Ultron lifts the city, Captain America notes the thinning air as the last bit of the people are getting into the helicarriers. And for Quicksilver, less oxygen means his cells begin to struggle.

Without enough oxygen, his cellular activity declines, leading to cell death. This explains why Quicksilver starts to slow down and become exhausted.

During the intense battle, Quicksilver gets grazed by a stray bullet, something he would usually dodge. This moment signals his slowing reflexes due to oxygen depletion.

You can recall that clearly through the short video below.

Quicksilver All Powers Scenes | MCU Compilation [HD]

When he finally rushes to save Hawkeye and the child, he’s already exhausted.

His reaction time isn’t as sharp, making it probable that he couldn’t just move Hawkeye and the child to the safe place or use something else to shield them.

Therefore, Quicksilver sacrifices himself, ensuring the safety of Hawkeye and the child without the time to think (or enough air to breathe properly).

While the writers’ choice to kill him off might have been for dramatic effect, this theory adds a layer of logic to his heartbreaking demise.

What Could Endgame Have Happened If Quicksilver Had Survived?

What if Quicksilver Didn't Die in Age of Ultron?

If Quicksilver had survived, Endgame might have taken a very different turn.

Thanos still seeks the Infinity Stones, but with Quicksilver alive, the Avengers gain a powerful ally.

By the time Thanos arrives on Earth, he has all the stones except the Mind Stone, setting the stage for a crucial battle.

Quicksilver would have been a game-changer in the Battle of Wakanda.

His super speed provides both offensive strength and essential support on the front lines with Captain America, Black Panther, and the others.

Instead of trying to destroy the Mind Stone, the plan shifts to removing it from Vision and keeping it with Quicksilver until Thanos can be defeated.

His speed might even allow him to navigate through time and space, protecting the stone from Thanos.

Quicksilver’s journey through the slipstream of time and space could lead to a profound understanding of the events that have occurred, what might have been, and what could still happen.

This overwhelming new power causes him to lose grip on the stone, leaving it vulnerable and ultimately allowing Thanos to complete his gauntlet and perform the snap.

However, Quicksilver, now existing outside his universe, is spared from the snap but lost in the endless sea of space-time.

For the next five years, Quicksilver could be leaping from timeline to timeline, searching for a way home.

His experience with time travel would become invaluable when he finally returns, just in time for Ant-Man’s reappearance from the quantum realm.

Scott Escapes The Quantum Realm | Avengers Endgame (Open Matte) [4K UHD]

Together, they provide crucial evidence that time travel is possible and offer a roadmap for the Avengers to retrieve the stones from different timelines.

With Quicksilver’s help, the Avengers could shrink down using Ant-Man’s technology, allowing Quicksilver to carry them through time.

This new approach avoids the pitfalls of the original plan, preventing Endgame Nebula from being replaced by her past self.

The Avengers face Thanos in his own timeline, fight him there, and manage to escape with the stones intact, setting up a final showdown without risking the present timeline.

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