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The UNEXPECTED Reason Why Hulk’s Pant Doesn’t Rip

As a Marvel fan, Hulk’s pants have always been a subject of intrigue to me. With every transformation, Bruce Banner’s clothes might get shredded, but his pants stay mostly intact. Let’s get into the reason why Hulk’s pants have such remarkable durability. Microfiber Material One explanation comes from some Marvel sources stating that Bruce Banner’s …

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Not Like You Think, Vision Is Too Powerful That Only These Few Avengers Could Defeat Him

I get it, Vision seems like a powerhouse with all his incredible abilities, but don’t be fooled. Some Avengers have the skills and strength to put him in his place. This article is going to break things down and explore the heroes capable of taking down Vision! Overview of Vision’s Powers Vision, a synthezoid created …

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Captain America

Captain America is one of the best-known action heroes in the movies and comics. He originated back in 1941 and became a fan favorite with such films as the 2011 Captain America: The First Avenger and 2012’s The Avengers.  We know that he stands for defending the nation and fighting villains. Here are 10 things …

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Why Did Heimdall Choose To Save Hulk Instead of His King, Thor?

In Infinity War, the Avengers try to stop the villain Thanos from getting the Infinity Stones that will wipe out half the life in the universe. The film has many memorable, emotional scenes, including when Heimdall had one only chance to use the Bifrost, and he saved the Hulk, instead of his King and best …

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10 Reasons Vision Should Have Been the Most Powerful Hero in the MCU

MCU fans know that Vision has a tremendous range of superpower abilities and advanced intelligence. His powers are so impressive that we may wonder why Vision is not the most powerful hero in the MCU. Here are 10 reasons why he should have been, along with a few reasons why he is not. 10. Stamina …

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Real Reason Why Quicksilver Couldn’t Save Hawkeye Without Sacrificing in Age of Ultron, What If He Survived?

In the Age of Ultron’s final battle, Quicksilver sacrificed himself to save Hawkeye and a child. But why didn’t he just move them to safety or use something nearby as a shield? And what would have happened if he had survived and joined the Endgame battle? “What? You didn’t see that coming?” Well, I’ll explore …

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Why Does Tony Stark Shoot Falcon When He Says “Sorry”?

You might say Tony was an obnoxious guy, especially when he was against you in some way. But one thing’s for sure: he never intended to use intense violence to solve problems. However, in “Captain America: Civil War,” there is a moment when Iron Man blasted a shot at Sam Wilson after Sam had lowered …

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The Exact Number of Lives Iron Man Has Saved You Won’t Believe

You might say Tony Stark is an obnoxious person, but you should think twice before calling him an egocentric superhero. He was actually a selfless man.  In fact, Iron Man saved the most people in the MCU because he was always ready to sacrifice himself. To prove that, let’s see how many people Iron Man …

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Why Did Doctor Strange LIE About 14 Million Possibilities?

Alright, nobody freaked out… but there’s growing evidence that Doctor Strange’s claim of only one winning chance out of 14 million futures might be a scam.  I really don’t want to cast doubt, but when someone says there’s just one way out of millions of scenarios and only they can see it, it sounds pretty …

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The 4 Bigger Threats Than Thanos Are Joining The MCU

You aren’t wrong to say Thanos was a great villain, but you might not be right to claim he was the biggest threat to the Avengers.  Thanos may be mighty and ambitious, but his threat level is just a small part of the recent Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Who could be a bigger threat than …

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