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Wolverine Can Regenerate From a Single Cell, But It’s More of a Curse Than a Blessing

Wolverine’s healing factor is one of the most remarkable powers in the Marvel universe. A prime example of its extent is when Nitro, a rogue mutant, unleashes a devastating explosion that obliterates Wolverine down to his adamantium-covered skeleton. Despite this seemingly fatal event, Wolverine survives. His body regenerates from a single red blood cell, activating …

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The SHOCKING Reason J.J.Jameson ‘HATES’ Spider-Man That You Definitely Won’t Expect

Jonah Jameson, the grumpy editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, is infamous for his relentless smear campaigns against Spider-Man. But why does Jameson harbor such intense hatred for the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? The answer might surprise you. Keep reading as we will explore the shocking reason behind Jameson’s animosity toward the web-slinger. A Man With A …

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This Is What Happens When Human Torch CAN’T Turn His FLAME OFF

The Human Torch, one of the most iconic members of the Fantastic Four, has always been a beacon of fiery power and youthful enthusiasm. But what happens when this flame never extinguishes? In Fantastic Four issue #35, Dr. Doom does the unthinkable: he makes it impossible for Johnny Storm to turn off his flame. Let’s …

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There Are Two SOLID Reasons Why MCU Vision Couldn’t Cut Thanos In Half As He Did In What-If

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has gifted us with countless thrilling moments, but it also leaves us with many unsolved questions. One such question arises from the difference in Vision’s abilities seen in “Avengers: Infinity War” and the animated series “What-If”. Specifically, why couldn’t Vision cut Thanos in half in “Infinity War” as he did …

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Out of 11 MCU A.I. Programs, Which Is the Best in Terms of Powers and Abilities?

We all know famous AIs like J.A.R.V.I.S. and Ultron, but did you know there are actually 11 different AIs that have appeared in the MCU? Let’s take a closer look at each one and see which stands out in terms of powers and abilities. 1. Miss Minute Created by He Who Remains, she serves as …

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The UNEXPECTED Reason Why Hulk’s Pant Doesn’t Rip

As a Marvel fan, Hulk’s pants have always been a subject of intrigue to me. With every transformation, Bruce Banner’s clothes might get shredded, but his pants stay mostly intact. Let’s get into the reason why Hulk’s pants have such remarkable durability. Microfiber Material One explanation comes from some Marvel sources stating that Bruce Banner’s …

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Not Like You Think, Vision Is Too Powerful That Only These Few Avengers Could Defeat Him

I get it, Vision seems like a powerhouse with all his incredible abilities, but don’t be fooled. Some Avengers have the skills and strength to put him in his place. This article is going to break things down and explore the heroes capable of taking down Vision! Overview of Vision’s Powers Vision, a synthezoid created …

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Captain America

Captain America is one of the best-known action heroes in the movies and comics. He originated back in 1941 and became a fan favorite with such films as the 2011 Captain America: The First Avenger and 2012’s The Avengers.  We know that he stands for defending the nation and fighting villains. Here are 10 things …

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Why Did Heimdall Choose To Save Hulk Instead of His King, Thor?

In Infinity War, the Avengers try to stop the villain Thanos from getting the Infinity Stones that will wipe out half the life in the universe. The film has many memorable, emotional scenes, including when Heimdall had one only chance to use the Bifrost, and he saved the Hulk, instead of his King and best …

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10 Reasons Vision Should Have Been the Most Powerful Hero in the MCU

MCU fans know that Vision has a tremendous range of superpower abilities and advanced intelligence. His powers are so impressive that we may wonder why Vision is not the most powerful hero in the MCU. Here are 10 reasons why he should have been, along with a few reasons why he is not. 10. Stamina …

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