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Why Did the Harry Potter Movies Get Darker After HP2?

When you watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, you may have noticed the brighter lighting, from the scenes inside the Hogwarts Express to the corridors in the ancient castle itself. But starting in the third movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it looked like …

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20 Things in the Harry Potter Books That Make No Sense

Harry Potter has become one of the most popular franchises in the world since its inception in 1997. However, many things in the books are head scratching. From the events during Book 1’s opening chapters to Portkeys, we’re counting down the top 20 things in the Harry Potter books that make no sense. 1 – …

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Why Does Voldemort Always Use Avada Kedavra But His Death Eaters Rarely Do?

The most powerful of the three Unforgivable Curses, Avada Kedavra is the killing curse that Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) always used when he was at the height of his power. While Voldemort used the curse time and again, we rarely saw his Death Eaters use it. Instead, some opted for the Cruciatus Curse (Torture Curse) …

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Disney or Universal: Who Owns Harry Potter World (Movies, Games)?

While J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter Series, she isn’t the owner of all of its ventures like the movies, video games, and theme parks. Instead, various multimedia outlets own the rights to produce and distribute the books, movies, and video games. However, there is only one exclusive owner of the popular Wizarding World of …

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The REAL Problem With the Sequels That No One Ever Brings Up

Can you believe that the Star Wars sequel trilogy was laden with problems? While fans and critics have pointed to several missteps in the sequel trilogy, like bland lightsaber duels, the presence of the Starkiller Base, and emphasis on nostalgia, there are at least five problems that have not been addressed. You may have thought …

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Why Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker Are NOT the Same Person

You may have taken part in the ongoing debate on whether Darth Vader and Anakin are the same people. And regardless of which side you believe to be true, there is plenty of evidence in the comics, TV shows, and movies that Vader and Anakin are not the same individuals. When he lost his limbs, …

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Why Palpatine Hated Darth Vader’s Red Lightsaber (Canon)

Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader worked together to rule the Star Wars galaxy. Once Anakin transformed into Vader, Palpatine made sure to use Vader and his powers of the Force to subdue the Rebellion. Yet, the two had underlying tensions that came to fruition in Return of the Jedi. One disagreement was over Vader’s lightsaber. …

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Where Were the Knights of Ren During the Events of Star Wars Episodes 7 & 8?

We first met the Knights of Ren in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, and they have sparked quite a stir among fans regarding their whereabouts in Episode 7, The Force Awakens, and Episode 8, The Last Jedi. If you count yourself among the cluster of fans asking this same question, you’re in luck. Let’s dive …

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What if Darth Binks Was the Antagonist of The Rise of Skywalker?

Many people remember Jar Jar Binks as the annoying character that almost sank Star Wars. Binks appeared in the first prequel movie, and most audiences did not like him. Yet, when Star Wars fans speculated about Binks being a Sith in disguise, Jar Jar became a more interesting character. Instead of a bumbling fool, Binks …

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The ONE Time Darth Vader Refused Emperor Palpatine’s Order

In the movies, Darth Vader was loyal to the Emperor..until Vader threw him into the reactor shaft. His service to Palpatine ended there. That may be the moment Star Wars fans remember Vader not following the Emperor’s orders. Yet, in the Star Wars comics, Vader showed disloyalty earlier. Read more to find out about the …

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