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One of Marvel’s Lowest Ever Movie Box Office Heroes Is Set To Return In The MCU In 2024

One of Marvel’s Lowest Ever Movie Box Office Heroes Is Set To Return In The MCU In 2024

Deadpool & Wolverine promises to be a game-changer in the MCU timeline.

The movie will dive deep into the multiverse, featuring alternate timelines, different universes, and a host of Marvel heroes.

Among these, one character stands out due to her history at the box office—Jennifer Garner’s Elektra.

Jennifer Garner’s Elektra: From Box Office Flop to MCU Revival

Jennifer Garner first brought Elektra Natchios to life in 2003’s Daredevil.

Garner’s performance had enough charm and chemistry with Ben Affleck’s Daredevil to warrant her own standalone movie, Elektra, in 2005.

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Unfortunately, the film was critically panned and became one of Marvel’s biggest box-office disappointments.

With an 11% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it only grossed $56 million worldwide against a $65 million budget.

Despite this rocky start, Garner is set to reprise her role in Deadpool & Wolverine.

This news, confirmed in 2023, gives Garner a unique opportunity to redeem Elektra’s character within the MCU.

Fans are excited about Elektra’s return, seeing it as a chance to correct past mistakes.

One fan commented, “If they’re bringing back Garner’s Elektra, then it seems like they’re trying to bring back everyone from the Fox Marvel era. It will be interesting to see how this all comes together.”

Another fan echoed this sentiment: “I’m sold. I want this now. Say what you will about Affleck and Garner’s Daredevil, but I’m a sucker for this sort of nostalgia trip.”

Deadpool & Wolverine is expected to be a major success for Marvel Studios, likely hitting the $1 billion mark at the box office.

With its meta, self-referential humor, the Deadpool franchise is the perfect vehicle to reintroduce Elektra, allowing Garner to poke fun at her previous role while delivering a much more engaging performance.

Why This Matters for the MCU

Bringing Elektra into the multiverse storyline not only gives Jennifer Garner a shot at redemption but also enriches the MCU’s expansive narrative.

The combination of Deadpool’s humor and Wolverine’s intensity, coupled with Elektra’s complex character, promises a dynamic and thrilling film.

The multiverse theme opens doors for numerous cameos and crossovers, which could lead to exciting developments in future MCU projects.

In summary, Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t just a nostalgic trip; it’s a fresh start for a character who 

With Deadpool & Wolverine set to hit theaters in 2024, anticipation is high.

The return of Jennifer Garner as Elektra symbolizes a broader effort to bring beloved but flawed characters back into the fold, allowing them to shine in the MCU.

As one fan put it, “You know, the Elektra movie is not good at all, but this is a chance to make things right. I’m excited to see how they do it.”

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