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Loki Went Back in Time to Trick Odin to Adopt Himself and Sabotage Thor’s Worthiness

Loki Went Back in Time to Trick Odin to Adopt Himself and Sabotage Thor’s Worthiness

The Marvel universe is full of intricate plots and mind-bending twists, especially in the Marvel comics, but few are as cunning and complex as Loki’s schemes.

One particularly devious plot involved Loki traveling back in time to orchestrate his own adoption and sabotage Thor’s worthiness.

Let’s explore how Loki manipulated time and fate to alter his and Thor’s destinies.

P/S: You can look for the full storyline happening in J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel’s Thor #12.

Loki Manipulates Odin to Adopt Himself

In the Marvel comics, Bor, the father of Odin, mysteriously vanished after a fierce battle against the Frost Giants.

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This disappearance was later revealed to be the work of Loki. Using his magical abilities, Loki traveled back in time and imprisoned Bor in an alternate dimension.

By removing Bor from the picture, Loki set the stage for his next move: tormenting Odin.

Posing as Bor’s spirit, Loki tormented Odin, exploiting his guilt and inability to save his father.

He used this disguise to manipulate Odin into believing that adopting a child from a fallen enemy would bring peace to Bor’s spirit.

This child, of course, was Loki himself, thus ensuring his own adoption into Asgard’s royal family.

This act not only secured his place in Asgard but also laid the groundwork for his future schemes.

Loki’s Setup to Make Thor Unworthy

Loki’s manipulations didn’t end with his adoption. He later cast a spell on Bor, making him believe that all living creatures on Earth were demons.

This spell caused Bor to attack Earth, leading to a catastrophic confrontation with Thor. In defending Earth, Thor ended up battling his own grandfather.

The fight was intense, resulting in the destruction of Mjolnir, Thor’s mighty hammer. Despite Thor’s heroic efforts to protect Earth, this tragic battle had dire consequences.

After defeating Bor, Thor faced severe repercussions. Even though he acted to save Earth, killing an Asgardian royal was a grave offense.

Odin had no choice but to punish Thor, stripping him of his titles and banishing him from Asgard.

Last Words

Loki’s actions in this storyline highlight his strategic genius. By orchestrating his own adoption, he ensured his place in Asgard’s royal family.

His spell on Bor not only caused chaos but also led to Thor’s downfall.

This complex plot demonstrates Loki’s ability to play the long game, manipulating time and events to achieve his goals.

Not just the journey from villain to anti-hero to hero like in the MCU, this Loki is the pure God of Mischief.

Do you still admire Loki after seeing what he can be in the comics? Let us know in the comments below!

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