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How Hulk Helps Wolverine Hunt Down His Clones

How Hulk Helps Wolverine Hunt Down His Clones

In issue #37 of the Wolverine (2020) comic series, an unexpected twist sees Hulk joining forces with Wolverine to tackle a sinister threat.

Clones of Wolverine, created through mysterious means, are causing chaos. 

This unlikely partnership combines Hulk’s immense strength with Wolverine’s sharp instincts. 

Their dangerous mission pushes both heroes to their limits, revealing the depths of their bravery and teamwork.

Hulk and Wolverine Team Up in a Dangerous Mission

Wolverine (2020) #37 | 2023 | Marvel Comics
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Wolverine, known for his sharp claws and even sharper instincts, faces a daunting challenge. 

Suspicious clones of Wolverine are running loose, committing crimes and wreaking havoc. 

Wolverine first learns about these clones and their criminal activities through rumors spreading among the mutant community. 

Realizing the potential danger and the urgent need to stop these clones, Wolverine decides to investigate further.

Aware of the gravity of the situation, he seeks the help of Hulk, knowing that his immense strength will be invaluable in this mission. 

The partnership between Wolverine and Hulk is central to their success. 

Hulk’s incredible power and Wolverine’s keen tactical mind create a formidable team.

Their journey begins with an intense encounter, where enemies launch a surprise attack using poisonous darts. 

This ambush tests their partnership right from the start, forcing them to rely on each other to survive and move forward with their mission. 

Wolverine and Hulk, united by a common goal, set out to hunt down the clones and put an end to their crimes.

Wolverine and Hulk Encounter a Wolverine Clone

As they delve deeper into the mission, Wolverine and Hulk discover a group led by a nefarious cultist who has captured one of Wolverine’s clones. 

This clone possesses Wolverine’s regenerative abilities, making him nearly invincible. 

The cultist’s plan to use this clone’s abilities for immortality sets the stage for a dramatic confrontation. 

Wolverine uses his cunning to provoke the cultist into attacking Hulk, knowing that Hulk’s rage will be their best weapon. 

Hulk, driven by his fury, quickly overwhelms the cultist’s henchmen, demonstrating his immense power and strategic value in combat.

During the battle, Wolverine notices something surprising about the clone. 

The clone shows empathy and a desire to protect his people. 

This unexpected behavior forces Wolverine to reconsider his mission. 

The clone’s human-like qualities make him question the morality of hunting beings that share his abilities and aspects of his personality.

Wolverine Uncovers Beast’s Dark Conspiracy

Beast Unleashes Wolverine's Clones To Kill Every Humans On Earth

The plot thickens when Wolverine learns that his old ally, Hank McCoy, also known as Beast, is behind the cloning experiments. 

This revelation shocks Wolverine, as he discovers that Beast has not only been cloning himself but also creating multiple Wolverine clones.

Beast’s intentions are far from noble. 

He plans to use these clones to establish dominance over the mutant world. 

This betrayal shakes Wolverine’s trust in his fellow X-Men and introduces a new layer of conflict. 

The implications of Beast’s actions are far-reaching, posing a significant threat to Wolverine and the entire mutant community.

Hulk and Wolverine Destroy Beast’s Cloning Base

Despite the shock and betrayal, Wolverine and Hulk remain focused on their mission. 

They track down Beast’s secret cloning facility, hidden deep within a fortified underground bunker. 

As they approach the base, they encounter a series of high-tech defenses, including automated turrets and energy barriers. 

Hulk’s brute strength proves invaluable as he smashes through these obstacles, clearing the path for Wolverine.

Inside the facility, they find rows of cloning vats containing Wolverine clones in various stages of development. 

The sight is both disturbing and infuriating. 

As they progress, they are ambushed by several fully-grown and combat-ready Wolverine clones. 

Each clone possesses Wolverine’s formidable skills and healing abilities, making them formidable opponents. 

Hulk is ready to fight 4 Wolverines

Hulk and Wolverine engage in intense battles with these clones, using their combined strengths and tactical prowess to overcome them. 

Hulk’s raw power and Wolverine’s agility and combat expertise prove essential in these skirmishes.

Wolverine, driven by a mix of anger and determination, hacks into the facility’s mainframe to shut down the cloning process. 

Meanwhile, Hulk continues to fend off Beast’s guards and the remaining clones, using his immense power to subdue them.

As they advance deeper into the facility, they confront Beast himself. 

The confrontation is intense, with Beast using his knowledge of the base to his advantage, setting traps and releasing more clones to attack them. 

However, Hulk’s resilience and Wolverine’s strategic mind turn the tide. 

Hulk smashes through reinforced walls and heavy machinery, while Wolverine uses his agility and claws to disable critical systems.

In a final showdown, Wolverine faces off against Beast, questioning his former ally’s twisted morals. 

The battle is fierce, but Wolverine’s determination and combat skills prevail. 

Beast’s plan to unleash the clones on the world is thwarted as Wolverine and Hulk systematically destroy the cloning vats, ensuring that no more clones can be created.

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