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How Wolverine Invented Beer in Marvel Universe

How Wolverine Invented Beer in Marvel Universe

Why panic upon seizing the chance to forge your greatest legacy? This is the tale of how a “sacred liquid” was birthed in the Marvel Universe – Beer 🍻. 

And the master brewer? None other than Wolverine himself. 

How he crafted this legendary drink and the story behind it – that’s what we’re revealing today. Let’s dive in!

What Is the Story?

As hinted at earlier, “Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine” (2012) depicts a universe where Spider-Man (Pete for short) and Wolverine are catapulted back to prehistoric times. 

The chaos unfolds as they disrupt a robbery, exactly when a thief’s spilled mysterious diamonds hurl them into the past. 

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The story’s climax isn’t centered on battles but on the dilemma of “how to navigate time travel?”

In this adventure, Wolverine and Pete’s well-known complex relationship highlights their stark personality differences more than ever.

Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine's Awesome First Issue!

What Have Wolverine Done for the Time He Was There?

While Pete is employing his scientific knowledge to find a way out of the past, Wolverine – on the other hand, becomes the headman of a pre-human tribe, the Small Folk. 

He shares future technology, trains, and leads them in battles against larger primates, earning the title ‘Six-Claws’ for his prowess.

So, let’s guess what can’t be missing from every victory celebration? Hoppy pale ale – a beer that blends a pale color with notable hoppy bitterness.

And as tribal chief, what would you do? You’ve got to empower your tribe with knowledge!

Therefore, Wolverine empowers his people by teaching them how to produce that kind of beer. 

This discovery excites all but Spider-Man, who fears altering history with teaching and interacting with the pre-human tribe could impact the timeline severely.

 So, does Wolverine’s sharing of future tech and “secret beverage recipes” truly risk the future?

How Has It Changed Since Wolverine and Peter Left? 

After an asteroid hit the prehistoric Earth and puts all living pieces into extinction – fortunately, the mysterious diamonds once again bring them into the far future.

At this point of time, Spider-Man’s warnings prove to be true (a half). An apocalypse has obliterated humanity. 

But the Small Folk survive, ruling the barren land fiercely, thanks to Wolverine’s teachings. 

They regard Wolverine as their deliverer, offering him the “sacred drink” he devised at the outset of time. 

Sampling it, Logan proclaims it a “damn good IPA (Indian Pale Ale).

Wolverine might often be hailed as a superhero, but the Marvel Universe should really be grateful to him for creating Earth’s most legendary beverage.

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