Spider-Man, our beloved web-slinging hero, usually balances his incredible strength with a strong sense of responsibility.
But what if he decided to push his limits and tap into a power that puts him on par with the likes of Thor and Hulk?
This journey explores a side of Spider-Man that’s as thrilling as it is terrifying, delving into the what-ifs of a hero unleashed. So, strap in as we unravel a tale of Spider-Man without restraints.
How Strong Is Spider-Man?
Before we dive into how strong Spider-Man can be if he’s not holding back, you must first understand how strong Spider-Man is on his own.
Per his Marvel profile, Spider-Man possesses level 4 strength. The profile also states that he can lift almost 10 tons, so there is no exaggeration when they state he, like many Marvel superheroes, has superhuman strength.
But when you look at the comics, you will see that Spider-Man can lift even more weight. Using sheer willpower, Spider-Man once held collapsing buildings like the Daily Bungle and Penn Station upright.
So how does Spider-Man lift more than 10 tons?
Even superheroes as powerful as Peter Parker have a specific threshold regarding their strength under “normal circumstances.” But when the situation calls for it, they can grow even stronger.
For example, the Hulk (Bruce Banner) is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). But his strength increases the angrier he gets.
Something similar goes for Spider-Man. When he’s faced with a situation where he must exceed his 10-ton limit, like holding up a collapsing building, he’s under a strong will, allowing him to lift more weight than usual.
What Is Spider-Man’s Strength When He Is Not Holding Back?
We touched on how much he could lift in the above section, but what you may not know is that Spider-Man claimed even Thor would have struggled to hold up Penn Station.
Marvel’s Power Grid categorizes Thor’s strength at level 7, meaning he can lift 100 tons. The Hulk, also regarded as one of the strongest characters in Marvel, is also a level 7.
So, if Spider-Man isn’t holding back, he can match the strength of the Hulk and Thor in the comics.
Can Spider-Man’s Other Abilities Increase His Strength?
When a radioactive spider bit Peter Parker, he gained more than just superhuman strength–his physiology changed.
Thanks to his advanced physiology, Spider-Man’s other abilities include increased speed, agility, and explosiveness. The latter can give an individual even more strength when lifting heavy objects.
Spider-Man also possesses superhuman durability, and he showed it in The Amazing Spider-Man #33. This increased durability, believe it or not, has also helped Spider-Man grow stronger.
During a fight against Lizard, Spider-Man found himself buried under heaps of iron. This would have crushed any regular individual, but Parker, refusing to hold back since he had life-saving medication for his Aunt May, lifted the iron off of him to deliver the medicine.
Because Spider-Man is so explosive, he is strong enough to catapult even the largest opponents long distances.
Take his battle with the Hulk in The Amazing Spider-Man #328. During this fight, he punched the 1,150-lb Hulk into low orbit, literally knocking the Green Goliath through the Earth’s atmosphere.
While Spider-Man possessed Captain Universe’s abilities in the comic, it was nonetheless an impressive feat from one of Marvel’s youngest superheroes.
As you can see, Spider-Man’s superhuman strength isn’t the only factor at play. If he uses his superhuman explosiveness to launch an opponent, or his superhuman durability to prevent himself from getting crushed, Spider-Man’s strength further increases.
What Would Villains’ Fates Be Like If Spider-Man Didn’t Hold Back?
If Spider-Man decided to cross the line that separates a hero from a vigilante, the outcomes for his adversaries would be nothing short of catastrophic.
Without his self-imposed “no-kill” policy and the morality that guides his every action, Peter Parker’s encounters with villains would take a much darker turn.
Given Spider-Man’s strength, rivaling that of powerhouses like Thor and the Hulk, he possesses the capability to tear his adversaries in half or end battles with a single, devastating punch.
The scenarios where he doesn’t hold back, whether it be as a remorseless avenger in “Spider-Man: The Spider’s Shadow” or as a predator in “Marvel Zombies Return (2009)”, illustrate a Spider-Man who’s a force of nature, unstoppable and unforgiving.
Such a Spider-Man would not just defeat his enemies; he would obliterate them, leaving a trail of destruction that blurs the lines between heroism and outright vengeance.
In a world devoid of Spider-Man’s moral compass, the fates of villains like the Hobgoblin, Kraven, and even the Kingpin would be sealed by his unparalleled might.
Their battles would not end with arrests or escapes but with definitive, lethal outcomes.
For those intrigued by the thought of Spider-Man stepping beyond the bounds of his moral integrity and exploring the full extent of his formidable strength, delve into our dedicated article.
It sheds light on the chilling “what-ifs” that explore the times Spider-Man isn’t holding back, offering a glimpse into a universe where his punches pull no punches, and his mercy is as absent as his restraint.
How Strong is Spider-Man 2099?
Also called Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099 is a version of Spider-Man from the future. Miguel doesn’t have spider senses to the same extent as Parker’s version, though his hearing and eyesight are better.
O’Hara’s physiology is also noticeably different from Parker’s as the former has claws that allow him to hang onto objects, venom glands to temporarily paralyze opponents, and he can also fire webs straight from his forearms.
Despite the differences between O’Hara’s and Parker’s physical characteristics, the duo have similar strength, durability, agility, speed, and explosiveness.
This indicates O’Hara’s Spider-Man 2099 would still lift roughly 10 tons under normal circumstances. With an uptick in adrenaline and willpower, he could possibly lift even more weight, Like Parker’s version of Spider-Man.

Sion Fawkes has been covering Star Wars since January 2022, expanding his expertise in Star Wars Canon, Legends, and MCU. When not writing, you can find Sion in the gym or running trails. He also likes watching sports and listening to audiobooks.