Bruce Banner, AKA Hulk, is well known for his strength. Throughout his time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), we see him repeatedly defeating superpowered foes, smashing vehicles and buildings, and taking on beasts much larger than himself.
But how strong is Hulk? How much can he lift when he is angry?
Hulk’s base lifting ability is around 100 billion pounds. However, he grows stronger the angrier he becomes. When he is angry, there is no limit to how much he can lift.
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How Much Can Hulk Deadlift?
We know Hulk is one of the strongest characters in the MCU. He can lift at least 100 tons–but this is only his base-level strength.
As Hulk grows angrier, his strength also increases. It has no limit. Some estimated that, at his angriest, he can lift over 150 billion tons; but it’s impossible to put an exact number on such great strength.
Of course, he cannot reach these unlimited levels of strength without becoming enraged. His strength depends on how angry he is.
Deadlifting weights requires control and discipline. In a deadlift competition, Hulk may be the strongest person present; but as he grows angrier, he may lose control, break his form, and end up getting disqualified.
So we don’t know exactly how much Hulk could deadlift. Given his brute strength capabilities, however, he would probably smash the competition even if he wasn’t trying.
How Much Can Hulk Bench Press and Leg Press?
We have never seen Hulk bench press in a movie or comic book, so it’s hard to say how much weight he could move.
Some estimated that he could leg press 11 million pounds. Again, though, this is merely speculation.
As with deadlifting, he could probably bench press more than the competition, at least if he were competing against normal humans. In a contest involving other super-strong heroes, like Thor or Captain Marvel, it might be a closer call.
Regardless, he would struggle to maintain the proper form as his anger increased. So, even though his strength would improve as he grew angrier, his ability to properly bench press would decrease.
Can Hulk Lift the Earth?
Since Hulk has unlimited strength when he’s angry, then he could theoretically lift anything. He has never been shown to lift the Earth, but he is strong enough that he probably could.
Fans agree on this point, though there are complications.
For one, Hulk cannot fly. Therefore, he must have something to stand on in order to lift the Earth–he couldn’t do it while floating out in space.
At his largest, Hulk stands about eight feet tall; that means anything he stands on would have to be within a few feet of the Earth.
Anybody that close to Earth would be affected by its gravitational pull, which would be too powerful even for Hulk to overcome. The force would either crush or rip him apart.
So yes, Hulk is strong enough to lift the Earth, but he has not been shown doing so, and it’s unlikely he would lift the Earth in practice due to other factors.
How Much Can Hulk Lift in the Comics?
Hulk’s weightlifting capabilities in the comics are similar to the MCU–having unlimited strength.
Once again, his base lifting strength is around 100 tons, but this is only the beginning of what he can do. When he is angry enough, he can lift infinitely more.
The best example of his strength comes in the 1984 comic book Secret Wars #4. In this issue, Molecule Man buries the Hulk and a group of Avengers under a mountain range.
Spider-Man senses the incoming landmass, but not in time for the heroes to escape. So, Hulk catches the mountain and holds it on his back, keeping it from crushing the Avengers to death.
The mountain weighed 150 billion tons at least, and there was no indication that it pushed Hulk to his limit. With that in mind, there’s a chance he could lift and hold even greater weight.
How Much Can World Breaker Hulk Lift?
The version of Hulk known as the World-Breaker was introduced in 2006 in Planet Hulk. This version of the character was initially marooned on another planet, where he absorbed an incredible amount of radiation and became even stronger than he had been before.
World Breaker Hulk is often considered the strongest version of Hulk. He is larger, and even taking small steps can cause earthquakes.
As he goes on a rampage to kill the Illuminati, who banished him from Earth in the first place, no one stands a chance against him. He even “smashes planets, with frightening ease.”
So, just how much can World Breaker Hulk lift? The possibilities are limitless.
How Much Can Red Hulk Lift?
The comic book character Red Hulk is the alter-ego of Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, Bruce Banner’s father-in-law.
Considering Banner an archenemy, he devotes his life to defeating Hulk. Ultimately, however, he becomes the thing he hates more than anything else–a version of Hulk.
Red Hulk may not be quite as strong or powerful as Hulk, though he has additional abilities–he can absorb and reflect great amounts of heat.
What’s more, Red Hulk can still lift around 100 tons. It’s unclear, however, whether his strength is unlimited, as Hulk has overpowered and beaten him on several occasions.
Hulk can lift at least 100 tons at a base level; when he is angry, his strength grows to unlimited proportions.
In the comics, he was even shown to hold up a 150-billion-ton mountain range, and it’s possible he could lift even greater weights.

Sarah Hood is a freelance content writer and editor with a love for all things Star Wars. When she’s not writing, she enjoys cooking, singing, and spending time in the great outdoors.