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How Fast Can Captain America Run?

How Fast Can Captain America Run?

Steve Rogers started out as a skinny, asthmatic kid who just wanted to join the U.S. Military during World War II. He finally got his wish and was injected with Dr. Erskine’s experimental Super Soldier Serum, and it transformed him into the superhero we know as Captain America.

The serum enhanced Steve’s strength, speed, and stamina to superhuman proportions and increased his physical stature. Throughout his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we saw him chasing down speeding cars and keeping up with other speedy superheroes.

This may have led you to wonder: just how fast can Captain America run?

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Sam Wilson remarks that Steve Rogers ran “13 miles in 30 minutes.” This would equate to 26 miles per hour. However, it’s likely that Cap can reach even greater speeds, and the comic book version of him can run up to 80 miles per hour.

How Fast Can Captain America Run?

Captain America gnashes in the fight

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The answer to this question is a bit more complicated than it may seem on the surface. The version of Captain America that we see on the silver screen isn’t exactly the same as the one who appears in the comics.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how fast Captain America can run in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) vs. his character’s speed in the comic books.

In the MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe showcases Steve Roger’s enhanced abilities in a variety of ways.

Strictly speaking of his speed, we see him chasing down a Hydra agent fleeing by car in Captain America: The First Avenger. Later, he keeps up with the Winter Soldier and the Black Panther during a chase down a busy road, with all three of them outrunning the speeding traffic.

Steve Rogers Chases Hydra Agent - After Transformation - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Steve goes for a “light jog” around Washington DC with Sam Wilson, who is unable to keep up with him. When Cap completes the jog without appearing to even break a sweat, Sam remarks, “Dude, you just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes.”

"On Your Left" Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson - Running Scene - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

With this in mind, it’s clear that Cap can “jog” at 26 miles per hour, and do so for a sustained period of time, without becoming exhausted.

By comparison, Usain Bolt, considered the fastest human in the world, can reach a top speed of about 28 miles per hour. However, he can only maintain this speed over very short distances, such as the hundred-meter sprint.

It is conceivable that, when sprinting over relatively short distances, Captain America could easily reach speeds of about 40 miles per hour.

Some Marvel fans estimate he is capable of running even faster, possibly reaching speeds of between 62 and 72 miles per hour.

In the Comics

Captain America fights in the comics

The Steve Rogers portrayed in the comic books is even faster than the one who made it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Captain America is said to be capable of running at 48 kilometers, or about 30 miles, per hour. He has also been known to complete a 40-yard dash in less than 4 seconds.

Other sources suggest that he could run as fast as 60 miles per hour, which means he could complete a mile in just one minute.

That said, he is even faster in some of the alternate universes of the Marvel Multiverse.

In the Earth-1610 universe, for example, Captain America is capable of attaining speeds of up to 80 miles per hour.

How Fast Can Captain America Throw His Shield?

the shield of Captain America

Not only is Captain America a fast runner, but he can throw his shield at incredible velocities. So, just how fast can he throw it?

An official speed has not been given. However, fans estimate that he can throw the shield at speeds of at least a couple of hundred miles per hour.

In the comics, he has thrown the shield fast enough for it to slice arms off, fly through trucks, and catch up to speeding rockets.

In the movies, he throws it through windows, damages jet engines and helicopters with it, and uses it to destroy vehicles, robots, and various enemies.

So, even though the exact speeds are unknown, it’s clear that Cap throws his shield with enough speed and force to do a lot of damage.

How Intelligent Is Captain America?

Captain America in his suit is holding the shield

Captain America is known more for his speed and physical capabilities than for his intelligence. That said, he is still a pretty smart guy.

In the comics he demonstrates his abilities as a computer hacker, is able to understand astrophysics, and complete complex mathematical computations with ease. He is a great strategist and a great leader with a deep understanding of history and politics.

In the movies, Steve Rogers was smart even before he became Captain America. While in military training, he was the only one in his group to find a way to get the flag off the flagpole.

Steve Rogers Military Training - Flag Pole Scene - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

His physical limitations undoubtedly forced him to learn how to work smarter, not harder. Once these physical limitations were removed by the Super Soldier injection, his natural intelligence was further enhanced by the serum.


Captain America could run at speeds of 26 to 40 miles per hour in the MCU, with some fans estimating he was capable of even higher speeds. In the comics, he could run as much as 60 to 80 miles per hour.

He could also throw his shield at impressive velocities, likely a couple hundred miles per hour at least. Not only did he have enhanced speed and strength, he was a smart guy with enhanced levels of intelligence as well.

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