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How Did Logan Lose His Healing Power in the Movie?

How Did Logan Lose His Healing Power in the Movie?

Logan, also known to many as Wolverine, stands out in the X-Men universe thanks to his incredible healing ability.

This power has allowed him to recover from virtually any injury, making him one of the most resilient superheroes.

However, the film “Logan (2017)” takes us into the future, where we see a different side of him.

His healing power, once unmatched, is now failing him. Let’s explore the reasons behind this change.

Corn Syrup as a Mutant Suppressor

The story of “Logan” unfolds in a world where the food everyone eats is playing a role in the decline of mutant powers.

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Specifically, corn syrup, a common ingredient in many foods and drinks, has been modified by Dr. Zander Rice to contain a substance that suppresses the mutant X-gene, with the ultimate goal of preventing the birth of new mutants. 

Logan Shoots Dr. Zander Rice Scene | Logan (2017) Movie Clip HD 4K

Over time, this suppression affects all mutants, including Logan.

Given his partiality to alcoholic beverages, which often contain corn syrup, Logan has been unknowingly ingesting this suppressant for years.

This constant exposure has gradually weakened his once formidable healing factor, setting the stage for further decline.

Logan in his last moment

Adamantium Toxicity

Logan is suffering from pains

Logan’s skeleton is laced with Adamantium, an indestructible metal that makes him nearly unbeatable in a fight.

But this strength comes with a cost.

The Adamantium is toxic, and Logan’s body has to continually fight off this poisoning.

Initially, his healing power could easily handle this, but as it starts to weaken due to the suppressant by the modified corn syrup, the balance tips.

The toxicity of the Adamantium begins to have more serious effects on his health. 

Logan | Doctor Scene | "Something Inside You Is Poisoning You" | Movie Scene (2017)

With his healing abilities no longer operating at full capacity, Logan finds it increasingly difficult to combat the metal’s poisonous effects.

The Impact of Age

old Logan in his suit

Even though mutants like Logan age more slowly than regular humans, they’re not immune to the effects of time.

By the time we meet him in “Logan,” he is over 200 years old.

The years have not been kind, filled with physical conflicts and personal losses.

These experiences, combined with his natural aging process, further diminish his healing abilities.

The corn syrup suppressant and the Adamantium toxicity already weakened him, and his advanced age only added to his troubles. 

Together, these factors contribute to a significant decline in his power to heal.

Do you have any other opinions about the causes that led to Logan losing his healing power?

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