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How Did Hulk Finally Kill Bruce Banner in the Comic?

How Did Hulk Finally Kill Bruce Banner in the Comic?

Hulk and Bruce Banner are one of the most iconic and complex duos in the Marvel Universe, both in movies and comics.

But did you know, when Bruce Banner just successfully controlled the Hulk power in movies, in “Hulk: The End” one-shot comics, things did not get well like that.

Stay tuned and let’s find out why.

What Happens in “Hulk: The End”?

“Hulk: The End” is a one-shot comic book published by Marvel Comics, released to the public in August 2002. 

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The story draws on the reality of Earth 2081, where there is a post-nuclear apocalypse caused by a global war. 

The war turns Earth into an irradiated wasteland with creatures mutated for the irradiated environment (FYI: the mutated cockroaches are one of those!). 

And humankind? Well… only Bruce Banner survives, thanks to the Hulk. 

Imagine there was a world where you are the only one surviving. 

Interesting? But, as you can tell, it’s tragically lonely.

How Does Bruce Banner Feel Tragically In That Universe?

Bruce Banner has wandered through the continent on a silent Earth for decades. The more he wandered, the more he realized: all things had gone.

When he passed through the Costumed Adventurers Memorial Park—where all the superhero statues stand, but only he is alive.

Yes. It was Hulk who kept Bruce alive.

But the indomitable Hulk faces the irony: his strength, unable to prevent humanity’s demise.

One day, Bruce Banner encounters the Recorder – an extraterrestrial robot sent to verify the lifelessness of Earth by the request of several races.

The Recorder confirmed that he was the only human alive. At first, Bruce said, “It was a JOKE!”

But the robot cannot smile. It’s a harsh reality for Bruce.

Then it asked, “Do you wish to die?” Bruce refused, but the Recorder believes he has to think twice about this.

Then the Recorder goes away, leaving Bruce in confusion—he does think about death. 

How Does Hulk Entirely Control Bruce Banner?

Finally, what is destined to happen will happen; Bruce changes his mind.

He jumps into the abyss, decisively and recklessly. However, he is not alone in decision-making.

The Hulk, though not even warned, quickly takes control and transforms. He refuses to end both of their lives.

‘Hulk will go on forever. Hulk is the strongest there is,’ he says.

The attempt to end his life fails. Bruce has the reason, but the Hulk has the strength—the strength that makes them indomitable.

The Hulk locks himself in a cave to prevent Bruce from trying to end his life for many, many years.

Then, one night, Bruce feels a burning sensation in his chest. His old age is catching up to him.

He pleads with the Hulk to let him rest in peace. But, as you can tell, the Hulk refuses and berates him.

Intense and heated thoughts overwhelm Bruce’s mind. The Hulk truly takes center stage.

The next morning, Bruce transforms into the Hulk, forever.

So, did the Hulk end Bruce Banner’s life, or did Bruce choose to let go, finding peace within the Hulk?

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