Most people know Scott Lang (Ant-Man) as one of the tiniest superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yet, as he has shown multiple times, he can also grow to the size of a giant when the need calls for it.
So, just how tall can Ant-Man be? Does changing his height also change his weight?
Scott Lang’s stated height record is 65 feet, but he appeared to grow to well over 100 feet in two of his movie appearances. Whether he grows larger or smaller, his weight remains the same–200 pounds.
How Tall Can Ant-Man Get?
While he is more well-known for shrinking to the size of an ant, Ant-Man can also grow incredibly tall. When he does this, he becomes known as Giant-Man
Just how tall, you ask? Let’s take a look at some of the movies he has appeared in.
In Ant-Man and The Wasp, released a year before Avengers: Endgame, Scott Lang (Ant-Man) says that his record is 65 feet tall.
However, in Endgame, he appears to be much taller.
While his exact height is not given in the film, one fan suggests he is about the height of 19 regular sized humans–over 100 feet tall!
In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Lang appears to grow even larger.
Again, his exact height is not stated, but in the final battle scene, he is larger than even the tallest buildings in the Quantum Realm.
Is There a Limit to How Tall Ant-Man Can Get?
So, we’ve established that Scott Lang’s Ant-Man/Giant-Man can grow to well over 100 feet tall. It is possible that he will grow even larger in future movies.
It is not currently known if there’s a limit to how tall he can grow. Most likely, he will grow as tall as the movie script requires.
For further evidence of this, let’s look at Lang’s predecessor in the comics, Hank Pym. A true master of growing to incredible sizes, Pym could easily outgrow skyscrapers and bridges. But his incredible growth didn’t stop there.
Twice in the comics, he grows so large that he finds himself leaving Earth and entering a region known as Overspace, where Eternity and other powerful beings exist.
As one fan aptly stated, “we don’t know what his limit is, exactly. But when he starts outgrowing the universe, I think exactitudes stop being useful.”
How Much Does Ant-Man Weigh as Giant-Man?
Returning to Scott Lang and the MCU version of Ant-Man, you may still be wondering how much he weighs when he grows to extreme sizes.
You might imagine that he would weigh more than normal, but this is not the case.
Lang weighs about 200 pounds. That weight does not change whether he grows or shrinks because his body mass remains the same.
How, then, does he grow and shrink?
His mass becomes denser when he is small and less dense when he grows large. In other words, the atoms that make up his body are closer together when he is the size of an ant and further apart when he is giant-sized.
The amount of mass, however, is unchanged, so he remains 200 pounds no matter how big or small he becomes.
Why Is Ant-Man So Strong as Giant-Man?
This presents a problem. If Lang becomes less dense as he grows taller, he ought to also become weaker.
Think about when you unfold an air mattress and fill it with air. It feels lighter when inflated because it is less dense in that state.
Applying this to Ant-Man, because he is less dense in his Giant-Man form, it should be easy for a slight breeze, or even an average human, to knock him over.
And yet we see him punching through much denser buildings, spacecraft, and monsters as though his strength has grown along with his size.
How is he able to do this?
There is no good explanation given in any of the movies. The most commonly accepted suggestion by fans is that it looks cool on-screen.
After all, what would be the point of making an action movie in which the giant superhero is as weak as a sapling? It looks way cooler to see him going around smashing buildings, even if this behavior is implausible and impossible.
While Ant-Man has stated he can grow up to 65 feet tall, he clearly grew even taller than that in later movies such as Endgame and Quantumania. In each of these films, he appeared to be over 100 feet tall.
Despite this, he still weighs about 200 pounds whether he is the size of an ant or the size of a giant. This is because the Pym Particles which allow him to grow and shrink do not affect body mass, only body density.

Sarah Hood is a freelance content writer and editor with a love for all things Star Wars. When she’s not writing, she enjoys cooking, singing, and spending time in the great outdoors.