In 1972, Johnny Blaze (Ghost Rider) first appeared in the Marvel Spotlight #5 comic with immense powers. Robbie Reyes extended the hellfire abilities of the Ghost Rider in All-New Ghost Rider #1 in 2014.
DC’s Flash originated in 1940 with Flash Comics #1 when Jay Garrick was infused with bullet-stopping speed. Barry Allen as the Flash enhanced the speed of this superhero and this became his top attribute.
If these two comic and movie characters were to face off, who would win? After the flames and smoke have settled, we can declare a clear winner.
Ghost Rider’s Powers
Once the stunt motorcycle rider Johnny Blaze became bonded to Zarathos, the Spirit of Vengeance, he assumed great powers as the Ghost Rider. One of them is the ability to harness Hellfire.
Hellfire is a mystical energy power that Ghost Rider uses to burn through objects or torment the souls of the living. Ghost Rider can use Hellfire to make opponents feel the agony of all their wrongs at once or the “torment of hell.”
Ghost Rider projects this type of fire from his eyes, mouth, and hands and can fuse it into such weapons as his Hellfire Shotgun. This fire is also deployed in Ghost Rider’s vehicles like the Hell Cycle.
With wheels on fire, the Hell Cycle moves incredibly fast and up vertical planes. It follows Ghost Rider’s commands too. It’s a lethal force that emboldens Ghost Rider’s powers.
So does the Hell Charger, a fiery ramped-up 1969 Dodge Charger. Like the Hell Cycle, the Hell Charger can withstand regular attacks by bullets or rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and can heal itself. It rides on flaming wheels and enables the already deadly Ghost Rider to meet any foe.
Ghost Rider also has a host of other powers, such as superhuman strength, durability, stamina, and regenerative healing. He can travel across different dimensions of reality and cast hellish spells.
The Penance Stare is the top way that Ghost Rider manipulates the souls of his victims. This supernatural power incapacitates his opponents by making them confront the sins and pains of their past.
Ghost Rider’s powers are immense and seemingly unbeatable. Yet, he does have a weakness–his host.
Zarathos’ supernatural powers are reduced/contained by the host Johnny Blaze (or Robbie Reyes). So, not allowing the full extent of the Spirit of Vengeance to take hold may provide an area that Flash could exploit.
Flash’s Powers
DC’s Flash is “The Fastest Man Alive” who draws on the Speed Force to go faster than the speed of light. From Jay Garrick to Wally West, the Flash progressed with superhuman agility and time travel too.
Flash’s speed is his main advantage, though. Because of the Speed Force, he can reach an infinite level where he is omnipresent. He is also super durable and strong with reflexes to match.
He can generate electricity and use it against opponents. Flash also thinks at the speed of his movements, so he can process information and respond to threats at lightspeed.
Further, he has a healing power that enables him to recover from any injury immediately.
The more recent Wally West Flash extends the speed and powers of the Barry Allen one. West has a deeper connection with the Speed Force and is faster than both Superman and Barry Allen. He has superhuman stamina, running for days on end.
However, the Flash discharges his electricity uncontrollably when he is angry, and he can get trapped in his own Speed Force.
Ghost Rider vs. Flash
In one breakdown of Marvel’s Ghost Rider versus several DC superheroes, Ghost Rider loses to Superman and Wonder Woman, but not the Flash. Ghost Rider wins because his healing powers are superior to Flash’s, and Flash would not cause that much damage to Ghost Rider.
Fans that weighed into this debate have sometimes indicated that a draw is possible but more commentators favor Ghost Rider over the Flash. The speed and intelligence of the Flash don’t provide enough to win out over Ghost Rider’s immortality and penance stare.
Ghost Rider winning out seems most plausible. Ghost Rider’s powers are overwhelming.
As one article has indicated, Ghost Rider’s control and manipulation of fire are only the starting point. The Hellfire weaponry, superhuman strength, 1969 Dodge Charger, and invulnerability are among his most threatening features.
One poll reflects this power as the determining factor. Ghost Rider has too much strength, durability, and power for Flash. Yet, Flash’s speed is twice that of Ghost Rider’s. This could provide an edge.
Flash’s speed is otherworldly and could propel him to victory. He uses the Speed Force to move through time and faster than the speed of light. He can also wield this power as a shield against Ghost Rider’s strength.
The only question is whether Flash ever tires out. If so, that would provide the Ghost Rider with a chance eventually to defeat him.
The Wally West Flash does tire out because of his pacemaker. But then, this Flash also recovered from his condition. So, it depends on the timeline for whether Flash tires out.
Either way, it appears that the Wally West Flash does eventually tire out, so Ghost Rider just has to be patient.
In the comics, Ghost Rider has proven himself the top power numerous times. By some estimates, he is the GOAT because Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) took a direct punch from the Hulk without flinching, while the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider tricked the demon Mephisto and defeated Thanos with the Penance Stare.
In other words, Ghost Rider can take on any Marvel character.
Fans have likewise weighed in with the same conclusion: Ghost Rider has power beyond limits and is vengeful against those who have done wrongs in the past. Yet, this may be the Flash’s loophole.
Is the Flash sin free? If so, the Ghost Rider may not enact full vengeance on him, and the Flash could win out.
The Flash has made many mistakes and tends to repeat them. For example, Barry Allen as Flash does not always trust his teammates and often becomes too emotional, making rash decisions.
Since these are repeating mistakes, this will probably draw the full wrath of Ghost Rider, resulting in a loss for the Flash.
Ghost Rider vs. Reverse Flash
With The Flash Vol. 4, #40 in 2015, readers came to know Eobard Thawne as Reverse Flash. One of his main powers is time travel, along with a litany of other strengths that may make it possible to defeat Ghost Rider.
Reverse Flash has superhuman speed, stamina, reflexes, and strength that correspond with the Flash’s powers. He also has a Negative Speed Aura that protects him like a shield and can control the electromagnetic spectrum.
Take all those powers and add in time travel and we have a character that could best Ghost Rider. Reverse Flash could manipulate time and deliver a winning blow.
But the Flash can travel through time too, at least in more recent depictions. So, maybe it would not make a difference after all.
While some fans think that Reverse Flash could overtake Ghost Rider, more tend to think the other way. Reverse Flash’s powers would not be enough to damage Ghost Rider.
Another article reaches the same conclusion: Reverse Flash would not affect Ghost Rider. His demon-deity power is just too much.
Ghost Rider vs. Flash
The Flash does have amazing Speed Force and healing powers, among others. Yet, he does not hold up against Ghost Rider’s Hellfire and Penance Stare abilities.
Ghost Rider could eventually catch the Wally West Flash once he tires out. Or, Ghost Rider may inflict the Flash with a Penance Stare and defeat him through the latter’s mistakes.
Ghost Rider is just too powerful for the fastest man alive.

Todd Wahlstrom is a creative and analytical freelance writer and life-long Star Wars fan who has expanded into writing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has written about recent shows such as The Mandalorian and Andor and classic topics like Darth Vader, the Jedi, and Boba Fett. His recent articles include the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. Todd is the author of a non-fiction book, holds a Ph.D. in history, and enjoys hiking, running, and reading about science.