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Even Marvel’s Strongest Telepath – Professor X Couldn’t Deal With This Existential Crisis

Even Marvel’s Strongest Telepath – Professor X Couldn’t Deal With This Existential Crisis

As the world’s most powerful telepath and leader of the X-Men, Xavier has faced numerous challenges.

However, one existential crisis proved too much for even him to handle.

Let’s delve into this sarcastic and harsh storyline of the “Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe” series.

Charles Xavier vs. Deadpool

The story begins with a shocking and grim event: Deadpool has been trying to kill the entire Marvel Universe.

This gruesome act leaves everyone, including Professor X, baffled and horrified.

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Xavier, known for his deep empathy and understanding, confronts Deadpool to uncover the reasons behind his actions.

His intention is to understand and possibly rehabilitate Deadpool, despite the horrific massacre he has committed.

Xavier, confident in his abilities, attempts to shut Deadpool down by delving into his mind.

This is not an uncommon tactic for Xavier, who has used his telepathic powers to navigate and heal fractured minds many times before.

However, as he enters Deadpool’s chaotic psyche, he encounters something unexpected and profoundly disturbing.

The Awful Truth – The World Not Real

Upon glimpsing into Deadpool’s mind, Xavier discovers a truth that shakes him to his core. Deadpool is aware that their world is not real; it is a creation for the readers’ enjoyment.

This realization breaks the fourth wall, a narrative device Deadpool is infamous for exploiting.

For Xavier, this revelation is unprecedented and deeply unsettling.

The knowledge that their world is merely a construct for entertainment is too much for Xavier to process.

The sudden understanding that everything he has fought for and believed in is nothing more than fiction causes an instantaneous and catastrophic reaction.

Xavier’s powerful mind, unable to cope with this existential crisis, shuts down. He dies instantly from a brain injury, unable to bear the weight of the truth.

And that also means if Charles, a telepathic mutant who has seen the minds of countless humans, died from reading Deadpool’s head, Deadpool may have been dying over and over again for a long time, but his healing factor just keeps bringing him back and he got used to it.

Last Words – A Sarcasm

The death of Professor X in this context is sarcastic that even the greatest telepath in the Marvel Universe can be brought down by the weight of an existential crisis.

The great Professor X, with his unmatched telepathic abilities and incredibly strong brain who has been through countless human brains, couldn’t handle the truth of living in a fictional world. What hope do we in today’s society have?

They struggle with existential questions daily – questions like, “What’s the point of it all?” and “Do we live in a simulation?”

So next time someone suggests that today’s youth are just being overly dramatic about their struggles, just remind them: even the mighty Professor X couldn’t handle it.

Cut the kids some slack—they’re practically trying to be superheroes without the benefit of superpowers!

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