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Did You Know Why the HULK Only Listens to CAPTAIN AMERICA?

Did You Know Why the HULK Only Listens to CAPTAIN AMERICA?

Have you ever noticed that the Hulk only seems to take orders from Captain America?

It’s a fascinating aspect of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) that has intrigued fans for years.

Let’s dig deep into why this might be the case, exploring the dynamics between the Hulk and his fellow Avengers.

The Key Moments of Disrespect

The Hulk, or Bruce Banner when he’s not green and smashing things, has a complicated relationship with his alter ego.

This relationship is further strained by how others treat him. Two key moments highlight why the Hulk might have trust issues with some of the Avengers.

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In The Avengers, Thor makes a crucial mistake during his battle with the Hulk.

He calls him “Banner,” saying, “We are not your enemy, Banner.” This seemingly innocent remark is a big deal because it shows a lack of understanding of the Hulk’s dual nature.

The Hulk and Bruce Banner did not get along well initially, and referring to the Hulk as Banner is a trigger that reminds him of his weaker human side, which he despises.

Thor vs Hulk - Fight Scene - The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip HD

In Thor: Ragnarok, the mistake is strongly emphasized when Hulk himself says “No Banner, only Hulk” when Thor tries to recall Hulk about himself.

Thor: Ragnarok | Thor vs. Hulk Fight Scene

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Tony Stark makes a similar blunder.

As he tries to subdue the Hulk, he repeatedly calls him “Banner” as he says “That little witch is messing with your mind, you’re stronger than her you’re smarter than her. You’re Bruce Banner.” 

This again underlines a lack of respect for the Hulk as a separate entity from Banner.

Tony’s attempt to soothe the Hulk by reminding him of his human side only agitates him more, reinforcing the Hulk’s feeling of being misunderstood and disrespected.

Hulk vs HulkBuster - Fight Scene - Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP HD

Captain America’s Approach

Contrast these interactions with how Captain America deals with the Hulk. In The Avengers, Cap gives a simple, clear order: “And Hulk, smash.”

Hulk Smash - Smile Scene - The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip HD

This command is direct, respectful, and acknowledges the Hulk for who he is, not as an extension of Bruce Banner. It’s this respect that likely earns the Hulk’s loyalty.

Captain America treats the Hulk as a valuable team member, not just a beast to be controlled.

By addressing the Hulk directly and giving him a mission that plays to his strengths, Cap builds trust and shows that he understands and values the Hulk’s unique abilities.

This respect goes a long way in gaining the Hulk’s cooperation.

Captain America’s leadership style is crucial here. He understands that each team member, including the Hulk, has their own needs and motivations.

By addressing these appropriately, Cap not only gets the best out of his team but also builds strong, trusting relationships. This is why the Hulk listens to Captain America above all others.

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