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Deadpool’s Story Behind His Constant Joking Is Heartbreaking

Deadpool’s Story Behind His Constant Joking Is Heartbreaking

Deadpool, the wisecracking, fourth-wall-breaking anti-hero, is known for his endless stream of jokes and irreverent humor.

But have you ever wondered why Deadpool, or Wade Wilson as he’s known off-duty, never seems to stop joking?

Beneath the sarcasm and laughs lies a story that’s far more tragic than you might expect.

Let’s unveil the heartbreaking reason behind Deadpool’s constant joking and how it all began.

Oh, wait! Here’s Deadpool being a comedian for 5 minutes first:

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Deadpool being a Comedian for 5 minutes (Deadpool)

The Father Who Brought Joy

To understand why Deadpool jokes so much, we need to go back to his childhood. Wade Wilson wasn’t always the chaotic, unpredictable character we know today.

In fact, his early years were filled with genuine happiness, much of it brought to him by his father.

Wade’s dad had a unique way of connecting with his son through humor. He would hide behind their front door, ready to surprise Wade with a joke as soon as he walked in.

These moments were simple but filled with joy, creating a bond between father and son that Wade cherished.

For young Wade, these jokes weren’t just funny, they were a symbol of love and safety. They were the bright spots in his life, moments he looked forward to every day.

His father’s humor was more than just entertainment; it was a way for them to connect on a deeper level, creating a foundation of happiness in Wade’s otherwise difficult life.

The Disappearance and the Pain

But one day, everything changed. Wade’s father disappeared without a trace, leaving him without the one person who brought light into his life.

The man who had been the source of his happiness was suddenly gone, and with him went the joy that Wade had known.

The pain of his father’s disappearance was unbearable, and for a young boy like Wade, it was almost too much to handle.

Instead of confronting the overwhelming sadness, Wade did the only thing he knew how to do: he started joking.

But this time, the jokes weren’t about sharing happiness. They were a shield, a way to keep the pain at bay.

Each laugh, each sarcastic remark was a way for Wade to distract himself from the deep sense of loss that haunted him.

Humor became his coping mechanism, a tool to mask the hurt that was too difficult to face head-on.

The Shocking Revelation

Years later, Deadpool’s story takes a turn that’s as dark as it is unexpected. A Hollywood director, curious about Deadpool’s past, interviews him to learn more about the man behind the mask.

In a rare moment of vulnerability, Wade opens up about his father, his jokes, and the pain that never really went away.

However, when the director turns Wade’s life into a movie, things go horribly wrong.

The film is an exaggerated, inaccurate portrayal of his story. Feeling betrayed and enraged by the distortion of his life, Wade takes drastic action.

In a shocking and violent response, he opens fire on the audience at the movie premiere, leaving no survivors.

But the story doesn’t end there, it continues showing Wade going to a remote, abandoned house.

In a twist progression, the storyline reveals that his father is actually alive.

Last Words

Deadpool’s constant joking is more than just a character quirk, it’s a window into the soul of a man who has experienced deep loss and trauma.

The jokes, the sarcasm, the wild humor, all of it is a mask, a way for Wade to protect himself from the pain that has been with him since childhood.

While Deadpool might seem like a character who laughs at everything, the truth is far more tragic. His humor isn’t just about making others laugh; it’s about keeping his own sadness at bay.

Does knowing Deadpool’s backstory change how you see his jokes? Does he look like a second Marvel Joker instead of Marvel Jesus now? Let’s discuss.

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