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Could the Avengers Have Defeated Hela on Asgard Without Causing Ragnarok?

Could the Avengers Have Defeated Hela on Asgard Without Causing Ragnarok?

In the MCU, Hela stands out as one of the most powerful villains.

As the Goddess of Death, her ambition to rule Asgard seems unstoppable.

But what if the Avengers had a chance to defeat her without triggering the catastrophic event known as Ragnarok in the movie ‘Thor 3: Ragnarok’?

This question opens up a world of possibilities, exploring unconventional tactics and extraordinary powers that could potentially turn the tide against Hela.

Captain Marvel’s Cosmic Powerhouse

Hela vs Captain Marvel

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Imagine if Captain Marvel were introduced before ‘Thor 3: Ragnarok’ is released, and somehow Thor asks Captain Marvel for help to confront Hela.

Captain Marvel, powered by the Tesseract, is another formidable force against Hela.

Her abilities go beyond the typical hero’s toolkit, with the power to absorb energy and unleash it in devastating blasts.

If Captain Marvel were to confront Hela, the battle might move away from Asgard, lessening Hela’s power, which is strongest there. 

Captain Marvel’s military training and experience in combat across the galaxy make her not just a powerful brawler but a tactical fighter capable of going head-to-head with the Goddess of Death.

The Mystic Arts and Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange vs Hela

Doctor Strange, with his deep knowledge of the Mystic Arts, offers a unique approach to battling Hela.

His powers are not just about casting spells; they’re about bending the very fabric of reality, time, and space.

Imagine Doctor Strange using his abilities to manipulate time, making Hela relive moments repeatedly until a solution is found, much like he did with Dormammu.

Or perhaps he could open a portal to a dimension where Hela’s powers are significantly weakened. 

The Mystic Arts provides a toolkit for fighting threats in ways that don’t rely on physical strength alone, showcasing the power of strategy and knowledge.

Last Words

In conclusion, the question of whether the Avengers could have defeated Hela without causing Ragnarok opens up a realm of speculative storytelling that enriches our understanding of the Marvel Universe.

It challenges us to think creatively about the powers and personalities that populate this universe and how they might interact in unexpected ways.

While the battle against Hela as depicted in the MCU ended with the dramatic event of Ragnarok, our imaginations can explore endless alternatives, reaffirming the enduring appeal and narrative richness of the world of Marvel.

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