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As We Await Cap 4, Why Do Some People Dislike Sam Wilson As Cap?

As We Await Cap 4, Why Do Some People Dislike Sam Wilson As Cap?

As we look forward to the release of “Captain America 4,” there’s been quite a bit of debate about Sam Wilson stepping into the iconic role.

While many fans are excited about the new direction, others have expressed reservations.

Let’s get into the main reasons some people are hesitant about Sam Wilson as the new Captain America.

1. He Doesn’t Have the Super-Soldier Serum Power

One of the primary concerns is that Sam Wilson doesn’t possess the Super-Soldier Serum, which gave Steve Rogers his enhanced abilities.

This lack of superhuman strength and agility makes some fans question his effectiveness in the role.

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They worry that without these powers, Sam might struggle to hold his own against increasingly formidable foes in the MCU.

Fans argue that every superhero seems to be getting stronger with each new phase, and a Captain America without superhuman abilities might seem outmatched.

They feel that while Sam is skilled and courageous, his lack of super-soldier enhancements could render him less impactful in battles, especially when facing threats on the scale of Thanos or other powerful adversaries.

However, some see this part of Sam’s refusing to take the serum as a unique appeal.

The Super-Soldier Serum has a history of amplifying both good and bad traits in individuals.

Given the mixed results of different versions of the serum, some fans believe it’s wise for Sam to remain serum-free.

Because even if you only have the mildest negative thoughts or characteristics, they’ll also be amplified a lot.

The case of Steve Rogers is a rare successful case, he has no negative thoughts, and it was Erskine who made the serum, we’re not sure if the new Super-Soldier Serum has any side effects.

Steve Rogers & Erskine - "Why Me" Scene | Captain America The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip HD 4K
"The Serum Never Corrupted Steve" - Bucky [4K] | Falcon and Winter Soldier 1x04

2. He’s Simply Not Steve Rogers

Another point for some fans is that Sam Wilson isn’t Steve Rogers.

For many, Steve embodies the essence of Captain America, and it’s hard to imagine anyone else filling those shoes.

This sentiment stems from a deep attachment to Steve’s character and the heroic qualities he brought to the role.

Steve Rogers’ legacy as Captain America is a tough act to follow. His character was not only defined by his super-soldier abilities but also by his unwavering moral compass and leadership qualities.

Some fans find it challenging to accept a new Captain America who doesn’t share these exact attributes, especially someone without the physical enhancements that made Steve such a formidable force.

best of steve rogers

Yet, others appreciate that Sam Wilson brings something different to the table. They argue that it’s essential to distinguish Sam from Steve rather than trying to mold him into a carbon copy.

Sam’s background as the Falcon, coupled with his new Vibranium wings and shield, offers a fresh take on the character that doesn’t rely on super-soldier strength.

best of sam wilson

This diversity in character can provide new and exciting storylines, reflecting a broader range of heroism within the MCU.

Last Words

A final point of contention is whether Anthony Mackie, who portrays Sam Wilson, can carry the same charisma and leadership presence as his predecessors.

Some fans are skeptical, feeling that while Mackie is a talented actor, he might not bring the same level of star power that actors like Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Evans did to their roles.

However, many fans also acknowledge that Captain America’s core qualities extend beyond physical prowess.

The essence of Cap lies in bravery, moral integrity, and leadership—traits that Sam Wilson embodies.

They believe that Sam’s journey as Captain America will be defined by his ability to lead and inspire, rather than just his physical capabilities, not to say that he’s physically weak at all.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about Sam Wilson stepping into the role of Captain America, there’s also a strong belief that he brings his own strengths to the character.

As we await “Captain America 4,” it’s clear that Sam Wilson’s version of Cap will offer a new perspective, potentially enriching the Marvel narrative with fresh stories and challenges.

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