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Alan Cumming X-Men Nightcrawler Calls Marvel’s X2 His “Gayest Film”

Alan Cumming X-Men Nightcrawler Calls Marvel’s X2 His “Gayest Film”

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, actor Alan Cumming, who played the teleporting mutant Nightcrawler in the 2003 film X2: X-Men United, shared some candid thoughts about his experience and the significance of the movie.

According to Cumming, X2 stands out as the “gayest film” he has ever made, and he means that in the most positive way.

“I think the X-Men film I’m in is the gayest film that I’ve ever done, and that’s me saying that,” Cumming said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“It’s got a queer director, lots of queer actors in it. I love the fact that something so mainstream and so in the comic book world is so queer.”

Cumming believes that the film’s themes resonate deeply with the LGBTQ+ community.

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“I think, in a way, those sorts of films really help people understand queerness, because you can address it in an artistic way, and everyone is less scared of the concept,” he explained.

“It’s an allegory about queerness, about people having these great gifts and really great, powerful things that they have to hide to exist. Queer people understand what that’s all about.”

For Cumming, the experience of playing Nightcrawler was memorable, albeit challenging. On his official website, he reminisced about the physical demands of the role.

“The character is really interesting, the message of the film (tolerance of others who are different from us) was very timely and unusual for a Hollywood blockbuster,” he wrote.

“But the real drag was having to spend over four hours a day having two men poke my face. Then there were the harnesses for the tail and for flying, the feet, the hands — which made going to the loo a group effort, the teeth, the lenses, oh God don’t get me started.”

Fans of the film have fond memories of Cumming’s portrayal of Nightcrawler.

Many remembered the movie’s thrilling opening scene. “That opening scene in X2 when he infiltrates the White House was so badass,” a fan commented.

“His iconic introduction in X2, of course.” Another stated, “Oh, that was one of the best opening scenes ever.”

X2 (1/5) Movie CLIP - White House Breach (2003) HD

Another praised the visual effects, saying, “The Bamf effect was so good. The scene where he’s teleporting through the White House – such amazing visuals (especially for the time!)”

Others appreciated the character’s design and depth, with one fan noting, “The design was really good, Alan didn’t get lost in the makeup. While a bit grim the scars on him were cool too.”

“I like that they addressed his religious side. In comics, the whole priest who looks like a demon was a big part of his character and it’s something a lot of iterations avoid,” one fan remarked.

By blending mainstream appeal with deeper, more inclusive themes, X2 remains a standout entry in the Marvel canon, and Cumming’s portrayal of Nightcrawler continues to be celebrated by fans and critics alike.

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