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3 Most Powerful Evil Versions of MCU Superheroes

3 Most Powerful Evil Versions of MCU Superheroes

I did not understand why the fact that ‘Many Avengers could become the most formidable multiverse villains once they switch sides’ isn’t yet mainstream; but it truly is. 

Perhaps their ‘good-will’ keeps them as protagonists (or it’s simply the directors’ choice), but undeniably, there are 3 scenarios presented below that are quite troublesome. 

Let’s examine each case in detail and find out why!

Wanda Maximoff: Scarlet Witch

Wanda Maximoff debuted in the MCU as an antagonist in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015) and later joined the Avengers. 

Initially, she demonstrated abilities like telekinesis and mind control, granted by the Mind Stone.

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Wanda is recognized as one of the MCU’s strongest characters, often affected deeply by the deaths of her brother – Pietro, and Vision, her lover. 

Her descent into darkness accelerated with the Darkhold’s influence, transforming her into the Scarlet Witch.

Wanda Becomes Scarlet Witch - Agatha Harkness vs Wanda Maximoff Fight - WandaVision (2021) Clip

By the time of “Avengers: Infinity War” and Endgame battle, she could destroy an Infinity Stone and nearly defeat Thanos, only holding back due to Vision. 

But as the Scarlet Witch, her powers reached cosmic levels; she created an entire reality in the Hex, effortlessly overpowered the Illuminati of Earth-838, and even made our Sorcerer Supreme (Strange) flee in terrifying. 

Wanda vs Illuminati - Fight Scene - Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Movie CLIP 4K

It appears that the only limit to her powers is herself, potentially susceptible to reasoned persuasion (probably Talk no Jutsu works on her).

Doctor Strange: Sinister Strange

Doctor Strange, renowned for his mastery of the mystic arts, becomes Sinister Strange when corrupted by the Darkhold’s dark magic. 

Originating from a universe where his inability to live without Christine Palmer drives him to desperate measures, he uses the Darkhold to possess his variants, seeking to alter reality.

Evil Dr. Strange Becomes Supreme and Destroys His Universe Fight Scene [No BGM] | What If...?

Sinister Strange retains Doctor Strange’s formidable sorcery, now amplified by the Darkhold to include necromancy and reality manipulation. 

This darker version is driven by obsession, his actions marked by a readiness to sacrifice anything for his perceived greater good.

'Sinister Strange' - Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness (2022) | Movie Clip HD

Before turning, Stephen Strange matched wits with cosmic entities like Dormammu and contended with Thanos, showcasing his brilliance and powerful sorcery. 

As Sinister Strange, his power swells immensely; he defeats formidable beings like Shuma-Gorath and even battles other Doctor Strange variants. 

However, with such unparalleled multiverse power, his sentence to life imprisonment within the Incursion is seen as deserved; even The Watcher refused to intervene (but you did, Watcher, what a poor judge you are).

Doctor Strange Sad Ending Scene - What If Episode 4

Ultron: Vision

These two dark superheroes sound terrifying, don’t they? Yet, they still have hearts and know when to hold back. 

But it might be much worse when you’re dealing with an algorithm programmed to be a straight villain—think Ultron, or Vision, or both!

Vision was originally intended to host Ultron’s consciousness but instead became an Avenger, merging JARVIS AI with the Mind Stone to protect humanity.

Vision's Birth | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Best scenes

But imagine if the Maximoff siblings had not switched sides? Ultron plus the Mind Stone plus a Vibranium body equals… let’s just say, it’s not good.

That’s the alternate reality in “What If…?” where Vision’s body merges with Ultron, creating Ultron Vision—a darker, more powerful version. 

This version succeeds where the original Ultron failed, seizing control of the synthetic body meant for Vision and gaining unprecedented power.

Ultron Kills Ironman | Ultron defeats the Avengers | Ultron Apocalypse | What if...? S01 E08

In the normal MCU timeline, Vision already demonstrated immense capabilities, from phasing and energy manipulation to playing a pivotal role in battles against Ultron and during the Civil War.

But as Ultron Vision, his strength increases exponentially, wielding the Infinity Stones to commit universal genocide and even challenging the ultimate cosmic entity: The Watcher. 

Ultron Vs The Watcher | Fight for the Multiverse | Epic Fight | Marvel Studios' What if...? S01 E08

So, what do you guys think? Which would you prefer, the good or the bad one of each? Share your point! 

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