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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Thanos

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Thanos

The Thanos we saw in the MCU is one of the most powerful villains, famously snapping away half of the universe. 

But do you know everything about Thanos? If not, this article is for you.

I’ve gathered 10 intriguing facts about Thanos that you might not know yet. Let’s dive in!

10. Thanos’s Father and Grandfather Created Drax to Defeat Thanos

Drax Kills Thanos : The Only One Who Can Destroy Thanos This Way!

Kronos, the grandfather of Thanos, was a powerful Eternal who became a cosmic being with immense power. 

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Thanos’s father, Mentor, was the wise leader of the Eternals on Titan, known for his intellect and scientific skills.

Thanos’s mission to destroy half of all life affected countless beings, including a human named Arthur Douglas. 

Thanos attacked Arthur and his family, killing them and leaving Arthur fatally wounded. To fight Thanos, Mentor and Kronos stepped in and placed Arthur’s spirit into a powerful new body, creating Drax the Destroyer.

Reborn as Drax, Arthur gained immense strength and durability, with the sole purpose of killing Thanos. This mission took him across the universe and into the lives of many other Marvel characters.

He also became a key member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, a group often in conflict with Thanos.

9. Thanos Has Numerous Clones Based on Other Marvel Characters

Thanos is infamous for his brilliant mind and obsession with power. One of his tactics is creating clones or alternate versions of powerful characters, including heroes and cosmic beings, to achieve his goals.

In different stories, Thanos has been shown to create or control clones based on heroes like Doctor Strange and Iron Man, and even cosmic beings like Galactus. 

These clones usually have the same powers and abilities as the original characters but are twisted to obey Thanos.

For example, Thanos has a group called the Thanosi, made up of clones that combine different Marvel characters. 

These include Mystic (a mix of Thanos and Doctor Strange), X (Thanos and Professor X), Omega (Thanos and Galactus), Warrior (Thanos and Gladiator), and Armour (Thanos and Iron Man). 

Each clone has unique powers from their original counterparts, making them very dangerous opponents.

8. Thanos’s Creation Was Inspired by DC Villains

Thanos’s creation is often said to be influenced by a DC Comics villain. Thanos was created by writer and artist Jim Starlin and first appeared in “Iron Man” #55 in 1973.

Starlin has admitted that Thanos was inspired by the DC Comics character Darkseid, who was created by Jack Kirby and first appeared in “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen” #134 in 1970. 

Darkseid is a powerful, god-like tyrant from the planet Apokolips, known for his immense strength, intelligence, and desire to conquer the universe.

Jim Starlin initially drew inspiration from another DC character, Metron, but was encouraged to make the character more imposing, which led to the creation of Thanos. 

Starlin has said that if he was going to create a character inspired by the New Gods, he might as well go all out and make him like Darkseid.

7. Thanos Merged with Darkseid to Become Thanoseid

Thanosied Origin – Terrifying Fusion Of Thanos And Darkseid Who Can Break Entire Earth Into 2 Parts

This fusion happened in the crossover event “Marvel vs. DC” and its follow-up, the “Amalgam Comics” series, which combined characters from both the Marvel and DC universes to create new ones.

Thanoseid is a mix of Marvel’s Thanos and DC’s Darkseid, combining their most important traits. As Thanoseid, the character has the immense power, intelligence, and evil ambitions of both original villains. 

He appeared in the “Amalgam Comics” one-shot titled “The Thanoseid Wars,” which showed his quest for universal domination and his tyrannical rule.

The creation of Thanoseid is a fascinating blend of two of the most iconic cosmic villains in comic book history, highlighting their similarities and combining their shared traits into one powerful entity. 

This crossover event was a unique collaboration between Marvel and DC, offering fans an intriguing “what if” scenario that merged the best of both comic book worlds.

6. Thanos is a Mutant

Thanos Was A Mutant... NOT An Eternal | Geek Culture Explained

Yes, you got it right, Thanos is a mutant.

Thanos was born on Titan, a moon of Saturn, to the Eternals A’Lars (also known as Mentor) and Sui-San. The Eternals are a race of superhumans created by the Celestials, with incredible powers and long lifespans. 

However, Thanos was born with Deviant Syndrome, a genetic mutation that gives him a unique look and enhanced abilities. 

This mutation makes Thanos larger, with a rugged physique and purple, hide-like skin, resembling the Eternals’ rivals, the Deviants.

Despite being an Eternal, Thanos’s mutation gives him several advantages over his peers, including superhuman strength, durability, and intellect. 

His unique heritage and genetic makeup contribute to his exceptional abilities and his relentless quest for power and dominance in the Marvel Universe.

5. Thanos Has A Brother and He Is an Avenger

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Thanos’s brother, Eros, also known as Starfox, is an Avenger.

Born on Titan to the same parents, Mentor (A’Lars) and Sui-San, Starfox has a more typical Eternal appearance and demeanor compared to Thanos. 

He possesses superhuman strength, durability, and longevity, as well as the unique power to stimulate pleasure centers in people’s brains, making them feel euphoric and more inclined to like him.

Starfox joined the Avengers in the 1980s, using his charming personality and powers to contribute to the team’s efforts to protect the Earth and the universe. 

Unlike Thanos, who seeks balance through destruction, Starfox is more hedonistic and pleasure-seeking, yet generally altruistic. 

His membership in the Avengers highlights the contrasting nature of the brothers, with Thanos embodying destruction and Starfox representing a more benevolent if sometimes morally ambiguous, use of power.

Brother of Thanos - Post Credits Secret Scene | Eternals (2021)

4. Thanos Wiped Out Half the Universe Just to Impress a Woman

The Real Reason Thanos Snapped

So, in the MCU, you saw Thanos wipe out half the universe to bring balance, right? Well, the story in the Marvel Comics universe is a bit different.

In the comics, Thanos isn’t just about balance; he’s actually obsessed with Death, who is often shown as a female character. 

This obsession drives a lot of what he does, including his most infamous act: wiping out half the universe.

In “The Infinity Gauntlet” storyline, Thanos goes on a quest to collect all six Infinity Gems (or Stones) and puts them on the Infinity Gauntlet. 

This gives him god-like power. And with a snap of his fingers, he uses the Gauntlet to instantly erase half of all life in the universe. 

Why does he do this? As a twisted way to impress Death, hoping she’ll notice him and appreciate his love and devotion.

3. Thanos Was Defeated by Squirrel Girl

Squirrel Girl Destroys Thanos the Mad Titan

In one of the most unexpected and humorous moments in Marvel Comics, Squirrel Girl, whose real name is Doreen Green, defeats the mighty Thanos. This surprising event takes place in “GLX-Mas Special #1,” published in 2005.

Squirrel Girl, known for her quirky nature and ability to communicate with squirrels, is typically portrayed as a light-hearted character. 

However, her resourcefulness and determination often lead her to improbable victories over some of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe.

In this issue, Squirrel Girl single-handedly takes on Thanos and wins. The comic panel explicitly confirms that the Thanos she defeats is indeed the real Thanos, not a clone or an illusion. 

This victory has become a beloved and iconic moment among Marvel fans, highlighting the unpredictable and whimsical nature of comic book storytelling.

2. Thanos Is Smarter Than Iron Man and Bruce Banner

When we think of the smartest characters in the Marvel Universe, names like Tony Stark (Iron Man), Bruce Banner (Hulk), and Peter Parker (Spider-Man) often come to mind.

However, Thanos is portrayed as surpassing them all in various fields. His brilliance spans science, strategy, and warfare. 

As a master strategist, Thanos demonstrates unmatched tactical prowess, often outmaneuvering his opponents, including some of the brightest minds in the universe. 

His ability to predict and plan for various outcomes makes him a formidable adversary, always staying several steps ahead.

In terms of scientific genius, Thanos has a deep understanding of advanced science and technology, often outshining even the most brilliant Earth scientists. 

His knowledge encompasses genetics, cybernetics, and quantum mechanics, among other fields. He has created powerful devices and weaponry, showcasing his inventive capabilities and technological mastery.

Thanos’s intellect also extends beyond Earth-bound sciences, granting him profound cosmic awareness. He has a deep understanding of cosmic entities, the structure of the universe, and mystical energies.

1. Thanos Was Cuffed by the NYPD Police

Thanos is arrested by the local police. 😂😂 #thanos #marvelcomics #spiderman #avengers

In an unexpected and humorous twist, Thanos, the Mad Titan known for his god-like power and cosmic threats, finds himself subdued by the New York Police Department. 

This surprising event takes place in “Spidey Super Stories” #39.

In this issue, Thanos arrives on Earth with a plan to steal the Cosmic Cube, a powerful artifact capable of altering reality. 

However, his scheme is foiled by Spider-Man and the Cat (a.k.a. Hellcat). Despite being portrayed as nearly unstoppable, Thanos is outwitted and defeated by the two heroes.

After his defeat, Thanos is handed over to the NYPD. 

In a rather anticlimactic and humorous turn of events, the Mad Titan is arrested and placed in a regular jail cell by ordinary police officers. 

This storyline serves as a fun and ironic departure from the typical cosmic epics involving Thanos, showcasing a moment where a seemingly invincible villain is brought down to Earth and subjected to mundane justice. 


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