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10 Reasons Vision Should Have Been the Most Powerful Hero in the MCU

10 Reasons Vision Should Have Been the Most Powerful Hero in the MCU

MCU fans know that Vision has a tremendous range of superpower abilities and advanced intelligence.

His powers are so impressive that we may wonder why Vision is not the most powerful hero in the MCU.

Here are 10 reasons why he should have been, along with a few reasons why he is not.

10. Stamina and Speed

As a starting point, Vision has incredible stamina. He does not need to rest, or eat for that matter.

Without the constraints of human organs, Vision’s stamina is virtually endless and puts him in league with other top superheroes.

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Vision also has superspeed, running at a supersonic pace, as shown when he catches up to a falling city in the Age of Ultron.

About a minute and a half into this video, we can see Vision demonstrated his speed and agility in rescuing Wanda.

The Visions Powers Explained & Ranked | Obscure MCU

Vision is classified as likely having higher than supersonic speed and reactions. 

9. Vision’s Vibranium Body

Vision is a synthezoid composed of Vibranium, a nearly indestructible material from space that Wakanda possesses and developed.

While Vision was built in the Regeneration Cradle, his body was forged with artificial organic tissue and Vibranium merged together. 

Since Vibranium is thought to be the strongest substance in the universe, this element makes Vision almost unbeatable. We remember when Captain America got his Vibranium shield, its strength against bullets and other harmful objects was clear.

Steve Rogers Gets Vibranium Shield - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip HD

That Vision is composed of this stronger-than-anything substance makes him supremely durable and strong. 

8. Vision’s Super Strength

Since he is a synthezoid made up of Vibranium, Vision has superhuman strength. He takes on multiple villains at once, like Ultron’s Sentries, with only his hands. 

From the Marvel archives, we see that Vision’s base strength is around 50 tons, but he can increase it up to 90 tons, while MCU describes Vision as having likely higher than superhuman strength.

As a post here describes, though, Vision can increase his density and size and thereby increase his strength and potentially “go toe to toe with the Hulk.”

7. Intangibility

Because of the Mind Stone (more below), Vision can “phase through” solid material. When Vision uses this power he becomes “more of a ghostly figure” who is translucent and floats through the air.

This short video reflects Vision’s power to change his body density to take flight in Captain America: Civil War.


As this post elaborates, this ability to “manipulate his density” is based on the comics and allows Vision to fly, as well as pass through objects and other people.

He can even take to the air and fly at high speeds and stop moving while in the air. 

Intangibility is a unique power that helps define Vision. This power is known to be used by only a select few, such as Thanos, casting Vision at the top ranks. 

6. Vision’s Fighting Skills

Vision has hand-to-hand combat skills that he can rely on. He rather easily defeated Hawkeye in a fight and held his own against Corvus Glaive even while being wounded.

He took his training from Captain America to heart but can also update his skills by drawing outside information. 

About 50 seconds into this video, we can see Vision knock back Ultron with Thor’s hammer and then crush Sentries with his hands, demonstrating his supreme fighting skills. He also fought Ultron and later defeated him.

Vision Powers and Fighting Skills Compilation (2015-2021)

5. His Super Intelligence

His advanced A.I. enables Vision to hack into computer systems and process tremendous amounts of information rapidly.

In the Battle of Sokovia, Vision hacked into Ultron to stop him from connecting to the internet, stopping the latter from transferring his mind. Vision can also put his intelligence to use to pilot any vehicle and disarm weapons.

Vision vs. Ultron Fight Scene - AVENGERS 2: AGE OF ULTRON (2015) Movie Clip

This discussion post places Vision among the top 3 smartest MCU characters, alongside Tony Stark and the Hulk. Since Vision has the “combined knowledge and intellect of Stark, Banner, and the Mind Stone,” we could claim he surpasses them. 

4. His Mind Stone

Among the six Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone has tremendous powers, as demonstrated by Vision using a beam of energy against Ultron’s Sentries at the Battle of Sokovia. Vision also used the energy beam to damage Ultron. 

Based on the comics, Vision can channel his solar energy beams from a range of 500 to 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit, melting a 1-inch steel plate in 5 seconds at top temperature. 

The Mind Stone also allows Vision to decrease or increase his size, making him more durable or reducing his weight to become intangible or pass through objects. That adaptability and intangibility are an ultimate superhero power. 

3. His Super Ethics

Although this could be a weakness, Vision places the interests of others before his own and has superb ethics.

That Vision could so easily lift Mjolnir reflects his virtue and worthiness to lead others. When he did so also put the Avengers “at ease” about his intentions. By siding with the Avengers, Vision chose a path of super ethics.

As this article conveys, Vision in the MCU is “much more humble and moral, making for a better version of the character” compared with the comics.

On-screen, Vision does not have an ego and does not wish to be the best. And, he is ultimately willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good in Avengers: Infinity War. 

2. Vision’s Suburban Powers

The top item that should have made Vision the most powerful hero in MCU is his ability to transition to suburban life in the series WandaVision.

He successfully becomes a dutiful husband and father who is responsible at work, saves people, retains a full range of powers, and injects humor into this world.

The Vision Powers Scenes - WandaVision

After the Battle of Westview, Vision helps return society back to normal, again placing the interests of others over his own. 

1. Vision as the Most Powerful Hero

This discussion provides solid collective points for why Vision should have been the most powerful hero, including that he is made of Vibranium, he has an infinity stone on his forehead, and can connect with cameras and databases around the globe.

Yet, other fans post how Vision uses discretion with his power, is a “man of reason,” and does not truly understand how the Mind Stone works. 

Hence, we can make a great argument for why Vision should have been the most powerful hero but that was not the role he was meant to play. Vision is a hero that does not need to be the greatest.

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